An Highlight Of The NewHivers Initiative - Week 1


Hello Hivers!

We hope you are doing fine?

We bring to you a report of last week NewHivers Initiative which happens to be the very first report of this fantastic initiative the HiveBootcampHub team has put in place to help encourage and support new Hive users as they get started on the platform with the aim that they can have a smooth ride on the platform.

There are lots of new users who joined the space this last week. We can't give the exact number of users but while going about to support some new users, we came across quite a lot of interesting introduction post from New users and also Steemians that are back to Hive to explore the community backed Hive Platform.

We would have loved to extend support to all the introduction post that came into our path while on mission but we couldn't just do that and had to restrict it to just a few of the introduction posts.

However, we look forward to increasing the number gradually in the future from time to time. Here are some of the introduction posts that were endorsed by the HiveBootcampHub Community. Kindly check them out and show your support too by engaging their introduction article.

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The HiveBootcampHub community wishes you all the very best in your Hive engagements. Cheers and continue to stay safe guys!

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