Eric Coppolino Discusses East Palestine DIOXIN Disaster with Health Ranger Mike Adams

in News & Viewslast year

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Activist, Astrologer & Investigative Journalist Eric F. Coppolino discuss the railroad disaster in East Palestine, Ohio with "Health Ranger" Eric Adams. Both call for the immediate evacuation of the affected area for elderly and child bearing persons, due to the widespread presence of dioxin contamination stemming from deliberate toxic waste burning by officials in Early Feb. 2023. Coppolino is one of few remaining experts of the subject of dioxin, having covered the subject for over thirty years. Audio clip taken with open permission from the Health Ranger broadcast on a video platform we dare not mention here, titled: "Situation Update, Feb 21, 2023 - Urgent call for TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to DIOXIN FALLOUT" See also corresponding article on Natural News: "Eric Coppolino and the Health Ranger call for the TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to extremely toxic “dioxin fallout” that will poison the land and crops for GENERATIONS"

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