“Shieldmaiden Of The Far Right” Eva Vlaardingerbroek on The Political Left/Right Paradigm With PFT!!

in News & Views8 months ago

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Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch lawyer and a political commentator who according to her website is “on a mission to fight the eradication of our freedom and fundamental rights.”

She recently came to Vancouver BC on a speaking tour to meet like minded people and to spread the spirit of freedom that seems to have recently caught on in the Netherlands with 1 in 4 people electing a new “far right” prime minister.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Eva Vlaardingerbroek about the Islamification of the west, the attack and subsequent riots in Dublin Ireland and also the idea that many groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas are creations of western intelligence for the purposes of destabilizing the Middle East and also gaining a tighter grip of control on the west.

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Shieldmaiden of Reason is more like it. Eva is just reasonable, and pointing out that infesting our communities with notoriously intransigent zealots for Sharia Law and Islam destroys high trust communities and our way of life isn't a far right value, like goose stepping in Hugo Boss uniforms behind a row of Panzers.

Glad you could get a chance to have her on, and let her show that reasonable people valuing their peaceful societies and communities aren't Nazis because they oppose rabid Commies and deranged perverts trying to sexually mutilate our children - or blaming cows for the sybaritic excess of plutocrats flying in private jets to environmental conferences. It's about time we de-radicalize our governments that have been infested with that latter ilk, because that infestation is done to destroy strong and peaceful societies so that the NWO can turn our happy communities into hapless thralls in 15 minute prisons in which we will own nothing and overlords will be the only happy demographic because they will own everything.

How about we start the great reset by resetting the resetters to zero, and then distributing their excessive fortunes to the poor? Let's see how the resetters feel about that. Until they are willing to shed their wallets, they can keep their hands off mine.
