On Friday September 15th 2023 Dan Dicks of Press For Truth attended a global climate change rally in Vancouver BC where he was immediately surrounded by antifa thugs who attempted to intimidate Dan from doing his livestream!DONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/
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Their tactics failed and they were ultimately exposed as the aggressors and instigators.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth walks into the belly of the beast to expose the true enemies of a free society!
It’s now getting to the point where Dan could use some bodyguards, to help contribute to this effort please consider making a contribution here:
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Other Cryptocurrencies ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate-crypto/
Or you can send an e-transfer to [email protected]
If you’re old fashioned like we are and prefer to keep it old school, we also accept cash, cheques, equipment and words of encouragement! You can send us those things here:
Dan Dicks P.O. Box 1521 Squamish BC V8B 0B1
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▶️ 3Speak