I DON’T Hate To Say It…Straight Up I TOLD YOU SO!!!

in News & Views2 years ago (edited)

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What was once considered “conspiracy theory” not that long ago is now being accepted as “conspiracy fact” as more and more people are waking up to the reality that they’ve been lied to by the media and their government and that Press For Truth has been right all along. It is now generally accepted that the Covid-19(84) death numbers have been manipulated and that scores of people dying “of” Covid were actually dying “with” Covid which is unnecessarily inflating the fear state in the minds of the masses! Cloth masks are also now generally accepted as being ineffective even though at PFT we were labeled as promoting “medical misinformation” for saying the exact same thing that the CDC now openly admits! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how PFT has been vindicated time and time again during this plandemic and why you can’t trust the government or the media or even your doctors for that matter when dealing with the Covid-19(84) nightmare!

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I personally have survived multiple attempts at medical tyranny by doctors and have seen this coming for a long time.

Thank you very much for speaking out about it.

As well as posting your content here on the blockchain.