Welp…Looks Like In Two Days I’ll Be FIGHTING THE LAW IN COURT…Think I’ll Win???

in News & Views2 years ago

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n September of 2021 Dan Dicks and his wife Amanda were both detained and fined $2000 for allegedly “breaching a quarantine facility”…it seems the police did not know who they were messing with as of course PFT was filming and documenting the entire incident!

Now 9 months later Dan and his wife must face a judge using their video evidence to prove their innocence!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains the situation while also showing the video proof that will be presented to the judge so that the PFT audience can also have a say in how they think this should play out!

Let us know what you think in the comments!

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The authorities have been violating the constitution for the last two years, I wouldn't bet without escrow now but I don't know why there is the expectation that the judges will act in favor of justice. Good luck. You'll need it.