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RE: The European Energy Crisis Is Growing But The Solution Has Been Under Their Own Feet All Along!!!

in News & Views11 months ago

He made mention several times he's working with Germany, meaning they will back him with development bank monies in no loss guarantees. Investors will still own the energy and the taxpayers will foot the bill to pay them back unless he fails than Germany picks up the if he succeeds they pay twice, once with monies into the development banks to back the project and the second time to pay him back if he succeeds. If he succeeds Germany can free up those funds to back more investors in new energy projects. But no there's no decentralization going on here.


Smaller and more producers decentralizes the industry.

They are only smaller because it's a start up. It becomes successful it starts to grow, the larger it gets it becomes the same as all other corporate conglomerates.

Which decentralizes wealth and power. Rinse and repeat, until there are no more oligarchs. You got it.

What part of working with Germany did you not get in the video. I do recall you reading my Last Standing Barrel series, these are investors working with Germany using development bank monies to back no loss guarantees to investors in these projects. It was obvious listening to the video this man has something to sell but not the financing needed to make it happen, hence working with Germany to make it happen. This is not going to be a decentralized project like you think, this will definitely be centralized funding mechanism to make it happen. He has a knowledge base without a means, if he succeeds he'll continue on getting rich off the knowledge but he or the people will not own any of it.

"This is not going to be a decentralized project like you think..."

You apparently don't understand what I think. Increasing producers increases decentralization. Reducing producers increases centralization. The oil and gas industry isn't going to be distributed across the population in the way food production will, because there are high barriers to entry and limited means of accessing the resources that have inherently high capital requirements.

Overall, decentralization is improvement. It's not utopia I expect. Improvement is enough.

Here's the thing: Europe isn't reducing producers, they are increasing producers, which was the whole given explanation of why they wanted to cut ties with Russia. Because of the high capitol involved it means it will be centralized not decentralized.

The pictures I shared of the crash the other night that's what decentralization will get you. I bet since the beginning of the year alone there's been ten roll over car accidents in and around our immediate area. That's just those running speeds high enough to roll over, there's been a lot of others just as severe as the one pictured. (One really amazing one was the guy about a month ago going at a high rate of speed down the expressway, lost control, hit a chain link fence and the car came out looking like it'd been gift wrapped in fencing, he did die) This happens when the population grows but they don't grow the enforcement mechanism needed to discourage people from making bad choices. I can't even put a figure on the increasing car thefts involved in a lot of these crashes. They steal people's cars and take them out for a wild joy ride often resulting in collisions. So if we decentralized like you dream of and all form these communities to defend ourselves exactly what are you expecting to do when people have no fear left at all and run hog wild through your community? going to take a shot gun and blow their windshield to bits? Blow out their tires? ...and if so who else would want to join along with all that? People assigned to patrol the community instead of out doing something they'd really rather do leaving such things up to people who get paid to do it instead. There's no one sitting around wishing for the whole thing to come crashing down so they can spend the rest of their lives with a shot gun by their side just so they don't have to deal with bankers anymore.