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RE: He’s Back!! Trans Teacher With Huge Fake Breast Now Presents As Man And Is Protected By Trans Cops!!

You know he's achieved his propaganda purpose when he doesn't need the media to transmit his views anymore, because the media is in such a ferment about them he doesn't even need to comment. His points gained so much attention when he trolled the media with huge tits that sarcastically parodied the egregrious hypersexualization of preteens that your outrage and hyperventilation he is a pervert, a wannabe ambulance chasing litigant, and a cog in the grindstone of degeneracy, speak for him.

I admit I was wondering what happened to him just days ago. Those bodacious bazongas left a lasting mental image burned into my mind, and almost against my will I must confess that despite my deliberate effort at the time to not pay too much attention to the obvious attention getting ploy, I've been unable to surmount that visual trope. Now they're gone, and without a word, without supplementary subconscious-scarring spectaculars, his successful manipulation of the Canadian education bureaucracy continues such that he needs a security detail.

He doesn't have a blog, a podcast or a youtube channel. He is an ordinary looking guy working an ordinary job, and doesn't even have to say 'no comment' to make his point, that the government of Canada makes for him with it's ongoing oppression of those that are speaking out on blogs, podcasts, and channels like yours. I note that abandoning his costume suggests that it was not evidence of some despicable deviance, but a troll. However, media bloviation about deviance continues despite him discarding his clown costume, even because of it. It's an extremely impressive 5th generation warfare attack on a narrative that has generations of planning by the most powerful entities on Earth and $T's of funding across the panoply of the most technologically advanced psychological manipulation NGOs, IC contractors, and state actors covert and overt, behind it.

Despite that success, and the nature of that enemy, he hasn't been canceled, fired, sued, arrested, or punched. Plunged into a whirlwind of controversy, deluged with crisis vultures, immersed in captive bureaucracy, he is unscathed, apparently untargetable as if protected by some magic buff diverting attacks away from his person.

Not bad for a shop teacher, eh?
