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RE: How to Roll into Sunday

Hahaha his personality definitely shone through from your words and pictures. I've always found that male animals tend to have more "spunk" if you can call it that. I used to have pet rats when I was a child and the males were so fun, playful and full of bounce where the females were far more quiet and loving. I loved them both equally but they had very different love languages. I know, that must sound weird about rats. They make awesome pets though.

Lol oh boy I can imagine how your male horses wanting to jump the gate to go greet Sally with a


could be rather troublesome 🤣

Enjoy Henry and all his antics. Have a lovely day


Not so weird, although not for me. I had gerbils. :) Rats just grossed me out! LOL My nephews had them, so they don't bother me, but, I don't want to hold them.

Gerbils are cool too. I had a gerbil called Silent Bob. He was a grumpy little thing, but I loved him. What were yours called?