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RE: Nothing Compares to You

Hey, Pryde! @prydefoltz It isn't but, had I started earlier, I could have done better. There are 100 miles in that stretch, so I better get crackin on it. :) It is different hiking as opposed to sidewalks and roadways, which I do more of, but, once I get adjusted, it goes much quicker.

What a whiner, yes? :)


Oh yes ... I understand. A trail is much more challenging physically and mentally but so worth it for the nature. I took my son on a mini hike today through Stanley Park:)

Definitely worth it. Someone tell that to me after the ten miler next week. Killing me softly.

Well, not so softly. Did you enjoy your time today? I'm sure the weather was nice today!Everything in the northern tier was gorgeous!

It was a beautiful day. Funnily enough ... looking at my step counter ... we also did about 7 miles. We walk so much though I hardly notice. I am my most content walking in nature:)

Thats so cool! I walk a lot too. I use the step counter only when i am deliberately running or walking. We did lots of non trail walking, but only 7 miles of trail.

I dont feel complete if I dont get me walk in... every single day.

I hear you; I am the same way:)