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RE: It Will Be My Honor

Thank you, Quill. @quillfire It was my favorite too. Sometimes it is just timing on the payouts. Most of my other ones from Arlington pay out well. Perhaps it was the way I wrote it. I wrote right after I got back.

I say very little about Arlington, my ties with it, and anything else as less is definitely best. It is always an honor. I am sure you know that. Thank you for expressing your words so eloquently, always.

I actually do understand.


For two people so intimately connected to the military, do you find it ironic that neither of us has any upvoting discipline whatsoever? Your battery is always as drained as mine.

"1.75% remaining ... 4.5 years to recharge."

I'll bet Ol' Guy rolls his eyes in derision.




I wish I had his discipline! I'm always running on empty. Surprising, isn't it?

I earning this Hive to spread it around. So, I try my best. :)

I laugh at how long the recharge is. Let's go upvote Ol' Guy!

Let's go upvote Ol' Guy!

Denise, I already did. This morning. Every post at 100%. 😂😂😂


I don't think I got the post from today. I should go over and check.