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RE: Bright Skies Counteract the [Monday] Blues

There is so much to learn from the elderly

Yes! Absolutely true! I grew up respectful of the elderly, it was one of the things my parents instilled in us. Respect, integrity, and being a good citizen. Like you, I have moved all of my adult life, my three kids in tow. When I moved into a new place, I always met my immediate neighbors because that is what you do, don't you? Until I found out that not everyone does. That is actually quite appalling to think you could live somewhere and not know who lives right next door. I personally have never let that happen, but, it does. You are right though, I have seen people look everywhere but at your face so they don't have to connect. I mostly notice by the younger generations, anything to avoid conversations. I don't like sounding a little impolite about it, but, I am a little worried about where this is all headed.

My kids are wired a little differently because they were homeschooled for many years. They still write cards to their elderly great-aunts and grandmother and grandfather. I still do too. They like getting mail. It is the highlight of some of their days. When you talk to an elderly person, you can see the light shine in their eyes. They are always interesting, I learn something new every time I speak to one. They are engaging and have the best stories - and they are warm and welcoming. I see them every time I leave my house. I can't even express what I mean here. I'm sorry. My mom always had elderly people in her life, aunts, uncles, and grandparents x 5 - most of these grandparents weren't related, but we called them grandma out of respect and my mom talked to each of them for a few minutes every day. Every day. To make contact and say hello. She had nine kids and we learned by example. Parents can say that it is just how their kids are, but, we are failing our kids, in so many ways.

By the way, my kids hate when I go to the market because I talk to so many people. My daughter says, "You just cannot help yourself, can you?" LOL It takes over an hour to dash in for a minute.

I loved this post and I apologize for always running off-topic. It is like I just cannot make myself quiet or stay on one topic. Sorry!

Le Sigh.


Respect, integrity, and being a good citizen.

I think this is lost in today's new generation. I people watch and observe young people as they go about their daily lives, and I wonder what the world will be like in the next 20 years.

That is quite appalling to think you could live somewhere and not know who lives right next door.

It's appalling for me too. Wherever I live even in a rented flat, I always get to know my neighbours and enjoy friendly chats and look for their best interests. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but a wave and a friendly smile are always nice. It takes more energy and effort to avoid people than to be polite and friendly. It baffles me every time I witness it.

we are failing our kids, in so many ways.

Absolutely! Kudos to you for raising your kids the way you have.

my kids hate when I go to the market because I talk to so many people.

My husband is the same. He speaks to everybody, so when I lived on the boat and he ran errands, all the 5-minute jobs lasted 2 hours or more. I'm used to it though and I've heard his repeated stories and I sit home and smile at the thought of him repeating them, in his element 😆
I got it from my mum 😍🌺