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RE: Existential Overalls

I find focus is the best means of distraction from the recurrent cycles of self loathing, part of why I am always doing something. Often times letting whatever chill in the back of my mind while I work on a project will yield answers or at least options.

Our decisions have a way of coming back to bite us for sure as my body can attest to as well. Hopefully with winter you can get a chance to take a break and recuperate.

I just yanked out a bunch of squash plants and am at the end of my short break now as I have to go pick everything before the frost tomorrow morning. Row covers are out and going up and I'm kicking myself for not ordering rolls of it earlier this year. If I can get through the next two nights I might have another week or so if the forecast holds. I'm digging the real Autumn/Fall we are getting.


I hope you get the same thing going on this winter too, rest and recuperation. Background processing while focusing on specific task completion is a lot less painful than paralyzed pondering for sure. Us ruminating introverts really do a number on ourselves lol!

It still hasn't frosted hard here, I thought maybe last night would be the night, and went out and dug, cut back, and potted a few pepper plants that I am going to try to overwinter in my bathroom as an experiment. Just looking at the forecast I see that it's an any time now scenario regarding the frost's appearance.

I hope in your case it holds off for a couple more nights, and I am so loving this autumn we are having so far, it's just beautiful!