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RE: Beautiful Sunday, Sublimely so... How can it be any Other Way?

Hi @dswigle .Happy start of week ! Hope you have a productive and full-of-love week ahead. Thanks for your encouraging words: Yes , beauty is there everywhere despite the horrors we live everyday in the world.

I would call that " sauce". BTW, that looks yummy as most of the things you show. Thanks


I do have a productive week lined up! Now let's see if the universe is going to cooperate!

I agree, there is love everywhere, we just need to slow down and see it. The horror of what is going on in our world is more than unsettling. It is making it harder to pull the positive out of some people.

Sauce! :) Most people do call it sauce. I say call it whatever, as long as it is with the freshest ingredients!

I hope you have a great week ahea!