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RE: Pick One "Q" Instead Of The Other

And I thought I was a voracious reader! LOL I'm small fry compared to you! I did weed out a lot of books from my collection when I had to move them. And my library probably was as big as a small town library.

I tend to only order things that really intrigue me. Mainly this is because I have trouble getting the books and returning them, having to rely on others for these things. So my hold list s are small, often only 1 or 2 things I'm waiting for.


LOL! Oh there is nothing like moving books to make you reconsider how many should be in your possession lol!

Seriously though, I love the written word, and homesteaders need books! When I bought the farm I inherited a huge collection of USDA and county extension pamphlets and literature that I still refer too frequently.

And I need to do better only ordering what intrigues me. My problem is everything intrigues me, so I need to be more like you and focus on the really part lol!

Hope you are roasting too much back yonder!

Not today, it's low 70's and a nice breeze. Got the broccoli mulched, need to lay out the other rows and plant them: parsley (plants), green and lima beans (seeds). Then weed the garlic area and 1/2 of the Big garden will be all finished.