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RE: My pleasure to ponder

Ok fine. I admit to having a severe case of cabin fever tinged with a touch of boredom - it just so happens that there is a cure for that.

It's called Cheesecake

I saw this last night with eyes half sleep.. but I had to come back and agree with you on this.. Cheesecake is a great cure all! 😄 Pumpkin or Strawberry Cheesecake is the bomb.. now I need to bake one lol! Probably pumpkin.

And to answer your question.. yes I watch those around me at any given time these days.. you never what can pop off depending on where you are. :D Makes for an interesting outing at the local java stop here.


Hello @inthenow I totally missed this comment somehow, I am so sorry.

Lol, even half asleep, cheesecake does that. Makes you crave it. Pumpkin cheesecake? Now that's a first, I've never come across it but I love pumpkin so I would absolutely gobble that up. You going to invite me when you bake one? I'll bring coffee 😁