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RE: The Wonderful World of Routine: Dreemport Challenge

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)

I have terribly erratic sleep too. Doesn't it just put the worst crimp on brain power and productivity? I sleep 6 hours at best on a good night. If anythind is troubling me, it drops to 4. Thank goodness for coffee!



Apparently in the olden days, people slept in two shifts. They got up in the middle of the night, pottered about, and then went back to sleep. Maybe it's a natural process that we need to take into account.

Coffee is the drink of the gods. I also drink tea and something called Chocoamine, which is choke-full of theobromine, polyphenols, and other chocolaty goodness. :)

love baby yoda!

You know, two hours of sleep would work great for me. I don't know how people manage to stay asleep for seven or eight hours all at the same time! I talked to a friend today who takes THC for sleep. She went from sleeping about 2 hours a night to sleep to almost 8.

I'll have to look into Chocoamine. Sounds awesome.

I take CBD drops because this is the "mellow" component of cannabis. THC gives me an energy boost, and I take it during the day to clean, exercise, and other energetic activities. ;)

I'm going to have to try that!