To Bend or Not To Bend...

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 months ago

I remember when my parents would advise me when I was little about not succumbing to peer pressure. They’d say things like, “Remember not to follow friends. Say no to peer pressure and don’t let anything your peers say or do get to you.” But of course, I realized later that peer pressure could come in different ways and many of them were not even negative at all.

Throwing it out there, I remember a joke that was circulating about two years ago concerning parents advising their kid not to have bad friends not knowing that their kid is actually the bad friend that should be avoided. Indeed, parents sometimes choose to be oblivious to the flaws of their kids and what a menace they probably are to existence. But that’s on a semi-lighter note anyway.

Back to the topic, I’ll just say that over the years I’ve had tons of friends. Friends that at certain points, my life more or less resolved around. Although I am not on speaking terms with at good number of them, there’s hardly been a friend or a friend group I was in that I didn’t get to learn from.

From the little things like when I was in Nursery Two and pressured my Dad to get me a school bag with wheels because all my friends had it to the very big things which I managed to escape from. Peer pressure is more potent than the credit it is given. I’ve seen first-hand how peer pressure makes people end their lives. And it has never failed to strike me the things we do because we innately want to be accepted and loved by people.

I listened to a minister recently who was addressing youths on why they allow themselves to get pressured when people are put on different pedestals from birth. He likened it to a race where there are two people at different points. One running at 60km/h and the other running at 200km/h. The former gets to the finish line or what is termed as success first and then the latter begins to compare himself.

Gets all self-deprecating because the other arrived first, but fails to realize that it’s because the one at 60km/h was way ahead most likely because of birth status. Talked about comparing yourself to someone born with a silver spoon who is way ahead without having to break a sweat but belittling the fact that you got to the finish line by your sweat alone but still you feel less of yourself. It was a rather deep message that I can’t even begin to cover but I hope you get the point that was being made.

All of that covers material things but what about that which is even more daunting than physical. Peer pressure in our society mostly involves doing things that you wouldn’t do in a normal circumstance because you’re trying to please your friends. But what about train of thought? What about attitude? What about mannerisms? I’ll draw two perspectives for you.

I remember a phase I was in when I felt that being born intelligent was enough. I didn’t want to read academic books any more since my bright brain would make me pass anyway. I didn’t realize how much of an average student I’d become till I got to a new school and wanted to continue with that attitude.

Then I met these girls. They looked like me. In the sense that they weren’t nerdy. They talked the regular things and were outgoing. But boy could they read! I was astounded because they didn’t even seem like the book type. But they studied a lot and kind of looked down on me because I wasn’t the studying type. I sought their validation so much that I began to study hard. They completely changed the way I reasoned and I don’t need to tell you that I got better. Way better. The kind of peer pressure that is lovely but rare if we’re being honest.

Wrote this down a while back in my e-diary.

Then I had these girls I hung out with later on. Way later on. And I loved them so much because they made me laugh and if it’s one thing peculiar about any friend group I had, it’s the presence of laughter. Laughter constitutes almost seventy percent of my relationships with anyone and I treasure anyone that can simply elicit laughter from me.

But I had this problem with them. It was malicious gossiping. I remember feeling weirded out by the fact that they would see someone coming and practically wash the person down with their words but when the person came closer, they’d gush over him or her. Throwing compliment after compliment and making the person smile so hard and as soon as the person passed, they went right back to washing them down. They did this to literally everyone.

I felt in the depths of my being that this was wrong but I didn’t have the heart to say how uncomfortable I was with it. And so I’d keep quiet and go along to even laugh at the things they said. Slowly, my senses dulled to the wrongness of the action. I didn’t know when I started thinking maliciously about every person that passed by me. It felt so normal to me. But I was called to order when I got home during a break and talked like that when my Mom, my sister and I were going on a walk.

I remember the weird looks they gave me and my Mom point blank said, “This is not you, Tess. Snap out of that gutter behaviour. Immediately.” I remember feeling the scales fall from my eye. Did it take a while to school myself from the thoughts, yes it did. But the looks my family gave me were plastered so firmly in my mind’s eye, it was easy to use it as a motivation to stop.

Peer pressure could be negative or positive. But I think it’s a necessary phenomenon. Nothing builds the strength of one’s mind and character like it. Cause daily you school yourself to beat the odds. You consciously, because of the people and things around you, choose whether or not to conform. It’s a daily challenge but that’s why discipline and a sense of self-worth are important. You learn to be better by being true to your principles and not be swayed by all the muck around you. Except it's the good kind, of course.

Frankly, peer pressure is an inexhaustible topic. But yeah, I just had to stop here. Shoot out to the Inleo Prompts for reflective topics like this.


All images are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I like the fact that you touched the two side of the coon on this topic without favourite one aspect alone. A lot of people think that peer pressure is negative and as such they are inclined to resent it.

Discipline and constant self-examination is necessary to understanding where one stands, fir the positive or the negative and if it is the latter, urgent steps should be taking to school one out of such muck.

I also admire your courage to share your story on negative peer pressure. I hope this helps some one out there as it did to me. Cheers dear

Glad to read how well this resonated with you and truly the best way to help is to share your story and see if it goes a long way in helping. Thank you for reading, dearest Becky.🌺

You are welcome dear😍

Yeah, there is definitely a good and bad side to peer pressure, at the end of the day it is left to us to keep striving to keep the good side of it and do away with the bad side. Just like you there have been some times I had to fight my way back and let my principle win, such a fight could be tough sometimes but we must keep fighting as much as they come.


We must not stop fighting because that pressure never stops. I know how hard it is but the satisfaction that comes with sticking to our principles makes up for everything.✨

Just like you, I have experienced both the positive and the negative sides of peer pressure and I can't forget in a hurry a statement from my mum when she noticed one negative attitude from me returning home from the university. She said nkem, just watch that Cutlass in front of my kitchen, I will use it to cut off your two legs if you don't turn into a new leaf. I feared her words and my brain resetted , no one asked me to be careful with some friends I made back then. Coming to the positive side of peer pressure,I never cared about my facial look even as a lady until I met this kind of friends who pressured me into doing the needful like a woman I am. In everything, we just have to use our brain while dealing with friends, positive influence is the right goal


Lol. I guess all Igbo mothers are alike because I think my Mom has made that statement to me times without number. They just have ways of noticing when their children are not behaving right and strive to tackle it immediately. I'm happy you didn't give into the pressure to become the woman you are now.🌹

I suppose some people reach a point in their lives when they realise that it is not the group that matters, but cultivating one's own virtue, and rejecting all that does not contribute. You don't have to be rude, or intervene in the behaviour of others, but the simple act of walking away sends a clear message.
Besides, to go through life and be happy and godly, you don't need so many people around you.
But this is just my view... and I believe that each person has to live their own story and weigh it up. No matter how much he/she is told or advised... the path is his/her own and he/she will do as he/she sees fit.

Great post, Dreemer!


That's exactly it, dear. Couldn't have put it better. We owe it to ourselves, without drama or any feeling of self-importance to do what aligns with our virtues. The world is filled with so much pressure, the least we can do is go be true to ourselves and not get unnecessarily swayed.🌺

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.🌺

Peer pressure has been the band of many individuals, some have had their entire lives wrecked because of it. Yeah, there's a good and bad side of peer pressure and going for the good that will help you be better is just the best.


I love the word play that you used at the end, dear. Simply chic!😄

Seriously, hurling malicious comments at people and acting like you love them so much in their presence is really gutter behavior. Your mom and sis were right. I once had someone like that around me too but thankfully, I wasn't too close to her and nature has helped us both go our separate ways. Glad I didn't inherit that gutter behavior 😂. A very beautiful write-up 💕

It's actually very childish if you ask me and thankfully, I ended such actions and of course, such friends in time. Nothing bad company can't do to someone.😂

You've said it all.
At the end , we can never run away from peer pressure , friends influence us in ways either good or bad, it takes time for us to realize that. #dreemerforlife

It takes time but we can always work through it. Thank you for reading dear.🌺

You're welcome 🤗

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@jhymi, you are most welcome!

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