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RE: Thoughtful Daily Post - If Not You...Who?

Excellent thoughtful post, not being able to make Discord as regular as I would like, just too time consuming one feels you abandoning others who too are looking for the same support.

Yes being involved in communities is grounding, paramount in keeping contact, something we all need....

Life is not easy, mothers and in some cases fathers play a strong roll in how we define ourselves, fortunately/sadly genes creep down family trees too.... Roll of the dice, so keep contact and keep smiling!

 3 years ago  

fortunately/sadly genes creep down family trees too....

This is quite true, my friend. My stepfather's Dad was the role model to which his son followed. Alcoholic, Catholic, Union Meatcutter... He had a bicycle accident at a young age, and the kick-stand went into the side of his brain. He was given "last rights" and suddenly saw that as a notification to become the devil incarnate. Many years passed after my Mom finally divorced him. We met at a shopping mall... he was arguing with the clerk about a price. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I see some things never change..." Redemption? Nah... I just finally realized I wasn't terrified of him anymore.

not being able to make Discord as regular as I would like, just too time consuming one feels you abandoning others who too are looking for the same support.

Oh my goodness!! The last thing you should be doing, is apologizing for not being supportive! I have known you since that "other" chain days lol... I thank you for taking your time to drop by and leaving a comment. Truly appreciate your support, and most importantly... friendship!