The New Capitalism - "Duderian" Search for Solutions - The "Idea"

in ThoughtfulDailyPost7 months ago (edited)


Free basic necessities of life

Since it seems that all changes in our coexistence "have to" be based on the already existing rules, I began to think about a realistic adaptation of the existing social structure. A way to adapt and further develop the global economic system for the long-awaited change in our structures.

Important Note:
The "universal basic income" often discussed recently is in no way comparable to this idea. On closer inspection, this "universal basic income" is just another sophisticated tool to control the masses. The state is increasingly becoming a dictator. Nothing to do with freedom in this way.

In my thoughts on the universal rights of a human being, basic necessities of life are free and include everything to guarantee every human being a life in dignity, from birth to the natural end. Fresh water, healthy basic food, clothing and a dry place to sleep are the self-evident basis.

A fund is set up to provide the necessary capital. It will be filled by limiting the amount of income for natural AND legal persons in the free market. True to the motto: All for One!

Foundation of the Fund for Basic Living Needs

1. Definition of the basic necessities of life
  • Fresh water
  • Basic foodstuffs
    • Cereals
    • Fruits & vegetables
    • Vegetable fats
    • Eggs
  • Basic health supplies
  • Clothing

2. Income
  • People who want to work in the free market are paid extra by the profession.
  • Employment is still regulated by contracts.
  • Wages are paid, tax-free, according to specially calculated values.
    • (This salary is accumulated for as long as the person is in this occupation or when the maximum income level is reached. This income is personal and can be used freely.)

3. Maximum income level

Natural person

  • Up to a fixed amount, tax-free - Maximum cumulative income amount. Personal and can be used freely.
  • All income above this amount is automatically paid into the fund for basic necessities of life.

Legal person

  • Covering all costs necessary to perform their services - plus 1% of this amount - tax-free
  • All income above this amount is automatically paid into the fund.

This basis insures the basic needs of all people. One problem is that all this has to be covered worldwide. Only a shift in awareness can achieve this... and please, your point of view on this in the comments would be much appreciated!


Preface...To Be Continued



All content is my own intellectual "property", otherwise you'll see a source indicated !

Traduction Française

L'idée - La gratuité des produits de première nécessité

Puisqu'il semble que tous les changements dans notre coexistence "doivent" être basés sur les règles déjà existantes, j'ai commencé à réfléchir à une adaptation réaliste de la structure sociale existante. Une façon d'adapter et de développer le système économique mondial pour le changement tant attendu de nos structures.

Note Importante:
Le "revenu de base universel" dont on parle souvent ces derniers temps n'est en rien comparable à cette idée. En y regardant de plus près, ce "revenu de base universel" n'est qu'un outil sophistiqué de plus pour contrôler les masses. L'État devient de plus en plus un dictateur. Rien à voir avec la liberté de cette manière.

Dans ma réflexion sur les droits universels de l'être humain, les besoins fondamentaux de la vie sont gratuits et comprennent tout ce qui garantit à chaque être humain une vie dans la dignité, de la naissance à la fin naturelle. **De l'eau fraîche, des aliments de base sains, des vêtements et un endroit sec pour dormir sont les bases évidentes.

Un fonds est créé pour fournir le capital nécessaire. Il sera alimenté par la limitation des revenus des personnes physiques ET morales sur le marché libre. Fidèle à la devise : Tous pour Un !

Fondation du Fonds pour les besoins essentiels de l'existence

1. Définition des besoins vitaux
  • L'eau potable
    • Aliments de base
    • Céréales
    • Fruits et légumes
    • Graisses végétales
    • Œufs
  • Produits de santé de base
  • Vêtements

2. Les revenus
  • Les personnes qui souhaitent travailler sur le marché libre sont payées en sus par la profession.
  • L'emploi est toujours réglementé par des contrats.
  • Les salaires sont versés, en franchise d'impôt, selon des valeurs spécialement calculées.
  • (*Ce salaire est accumulé aussi longtemps que la personne exerce cette profession ou lorsque le niveau de revenu maximum est atteint. Ce revenu est personnel et peut être utilisé librement.)

3. Niveau de revenu maximum

Personne physique

  • Jusqu'à un montant fixe, exonéré d'impôt - Montant maximum de revenu cumulé. Personnel et utilisable librement.
  • Tout revenu supérieur à ce montant est automatiquement versé au fonds pour les besoins vitaux.

Personne morale

  • Couverture de tous les frais nécessaires à l'accomplissement de leurs services - plus 1 % de ce montant - non imposable.
  • Tous les revenus dépassant ce montant sont automatiquement versés au fonds.

Cette base assure les besoins fondamentaux de tous les citoyens. Le problème est que tout cela doit être couvert à l'échelle mondiale. Seule une prise de conscience peut y parvenir... et s'il vous plaît, votre point de vue à ce sujet dans les commentaires serait très apprécié !


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Yep, another good reason for change... Thanks anyways! 😏

Happy Hive Birthday @mondoshawan

Well that's an interesting concept! :)

Imagine that!

It does sound quote radical and scary! And a bit like communism and not much freedom either.

Hmmmmm... such a difficult one, isn't it.

I mean... all humans should have your listed items because unity and humanity and look at what we've become (largely 😬). Absolutely!

But will funds go where they are supposed to? - so far not happening in most countries even with the taxes already being tithed :|

And will people be incentivised to be creative and work towards innovation and progress? - we're generally a pretty selfish, lazy bunch! 😆

Some food for thought here for sure.

And hugs! Always hugs and love <3

Hi there Sister... yep that's quite a nut.

You can call it how you will, but that we are born free to become slaves, before we even are able to talk and walk, was always incomprehensible to me.

How dare some to impose their way, just for the sake of bu$ine$$...
How stupid of "all" others to accept with "liveable" compromisses and be ignorant...


Big Hugs Back @ You

Ah... "they" say that it's only when a person becomes uncomfortable enough that they are ready to try summink new?

Or we would say in recovery. It's only when the pain of staying the same outweighs the fear of change...

Thing is... I look back and honestly can't believe how comfortable I was with discomfort some days now. 😬 It's amazing how we can become used to just about anything!

What a waste of good time!

Keep on keeping the discussions going :) It's always an interesting one and perhaps we may even find a solution one day!



and perhaps we may even find a solution one day!

Mother GAIA has surely a plan... can't wait! Love you the way you are, because it's you!

Ah... thank you.

You ☺️ ❤️