The point of view towards life is very important

The point of view towards life is very important. How we look at every situation going on in our lives is important. Because I myself am responsible for all the happiness and sorrow that come into my life. Because I am the one who created it. I have created this situation by thinking wrongly or doing wrong things.

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I am responsible for this situation; only when this decision is taken will all this whining stop. As long as this belief remains that someone else is making me sad, no progress can be made. Because how can we change others? If I am responsible, then there is no reason left to blame anyone. So something can happen. All this is the result of my actions or my wrong thoughts, and it is I who have to face it.

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And if you think that all this is happening by luck, then it is difficult. Then your thinking is very wrong. And how will fate change? Who else will change? And if you think that it is written in my destiny, then the matter has progressed a lot. Then nothing can happen. Therefore, the moment you change your decision, our lives can change. If we realize that I am responsible for this situation, we cannot be sad.

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And even if it is done, to whom will you complete it? Yourself? We tell the stories of our sorrows to others. He doesn't have the desire to listen, but he listens because he likes you; that's all. Hearing your sorrow, can he only be sad or happy? And we keep expecting sympathy from him. It is better if we think about the root cause of our sorrows, then we can destroy them and move ahead. Swami Vivekananda used to say, "Our life today is the result of the thoughts we had yesterday." Then again, I am the one who created it. Then why be sad? I can change it. Then life will also change. If it is in my hands, then why do I hold anyone else or fate responsible? Friends, no one can make us happy or sad unless we give permission. Thank you.

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User Name@mulik369
LocationPanvel New Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India
TextText translated into English with Google Translator.
Original text,of my authorship Exclusive to Hive Blog.
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Every of our actions and inactions are things we should own up to.

If it comes out well, I'm responsible for it, if it is otherwise, we are still very much responsible for it.

Thank you so much for sharing this.

@enioluwafe,Thank you very much. Yes, you are right, it is true, thank you for giving your precious time to read.

Wise words. I should read this carefully.

 5 months ago  



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