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RE: Fine To Fragile In A Wink - That's Life

I am glad to hear that you are okay.

They say that a person who is healthy wants a million, but a person who is ill just wants one thing--to be healthy. In the most important moments of our lives we realise what truly matters.

I have been overwhelmed today by thought. However, i have tried to focus my mind on the things i am grateful for. Everyday cannot be sunny but in the dark days we can hold on to our faith and let God shine his light through us.

Please take good care of yourself

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Thank you for your kind words @nonsowrites.

It's funny that we know all these things at the head level but it often takes something stronger to bring these truths home.

I am so glad to be back home and feeling better. So grateful for every little thing that I enjoy right now, like even my own bed LOL

Have a great day!