I Noah Guy, The Arkitect.

Funny title, yeah? Hahaha don't worry, it's not a typo error. You must have heard a lot of jokes about Noah and the Ark... Most people would say "I know a guy" but for the sake of the joke, they say "I Noah guy", so that's what I adopted hahaha.


There are so many lessons to learn from the life of Noah. It's always good to focus on things we can apply to our lives and that's how I always love to live my life. The Bible is there for us to learn, do better and improve our walk with God. I've always said that everything you see in the Bible, you will always find a way it applies to our lives and it depends on how we choose to view things.

Noah during his time chose to stand out. He lived in an era where wickedness took its toll but he didn't blend in. We also live in the era where wickedness thrives but we don't have to blend in. A lot of people would say if you can't beat them, join them. This doesn't apply to Christians who want to uphold Bible principles.

We need to operate counterculture to be able to stand out. Some people flow with the current, we as believers have to move against the current. It is easier to go with the flow of things but the real test comes when you choose to move against the flow. We can be openly thinking people in a downwardly spiral world, it is possible. The Bible told us not to be well adjusted to our culture that we fit in without thinking. We should stand out because light stands out. Your loyalty should not be to what can expire but to what cannot expire. What is trending today won't always trend. God's Word can never expire. God's Word stands sure and true. The truth of God never goes out of fashion. No matter how we want to spin it, God's truth stands sure. The Word of God will make us stand out.

The thing I can pick out from the life of Noah is that Noah was a planner. We can't live this life without planning either. He prepared the ark before the need arose. It's just like I always say, "We don't prepare for war when there is war, we prepare for war in a time of peace". It's better for us to be preparing for the future because the future will be here already before we know it. We need to plan and stop leaving things to chance. Build relationships, and build your investment portfolio because one day your life will depend on these things. Invest in yourself too because investment in yourself always pays the best dividends.

Another thing from the life of Noah is that Noah was detailed. God spoke to Noah about how He wanted the ark to be made and Noah followed it to the letter. God was detailed in His instructions and Noah showed the same attention to detail. Imagine Noah saying wood is wood and he used just any kind of wood despite the clear instruction from God on what to use. It would have defeated the whole purpose of what God asked him to do because the ark wouldn't stand.

Some people choose what they want to pick in God's Word and leave the rest. We are to follow what God tells us to do and not do selective hearing to the things of God or the truth from God's Word. So many people fail in life because they do some part of what God asked them to do. You don't succeed because you do what you are required to do but you succeed because you do what is required when it is required, as it is required. There is a way to go about things to make them work. God wants us to be full of faith and not full of ourselves which is why the Bible asked us to deny ourselves before we can follow Christ.

Another important thing from the life of Noah is that Noah was a patient person. It took 120 years before the drop of the rain God promised Noah fell. Some results are immediate while some can be over time. God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. We sometimes think everything should be immediate but God wants us to wait it out. Waiting means not losing our faith in what God says and waiting patiently for the promise. We all want immediate results, who doesn't? Even Jesus cursed a tree and the result wasn't immediate but later. Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would give birth but it wasn't immediate.

Just because the results didn't come immediately it doesn't mean you have to give up. Just because you started the business and you are not seeing the results despite doing everything right doesn't mean you should give up. Sometimes we have to exercise patience. There is a time for being patient and a time to let go. Know when to give up, when to let go and when to be persistent. As long as God said it, you can be persistent because God doesn't lie.

Bible principles are life's principles...they can be applied to our lives.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Daily, I ask God for the grace to not just be a hearer. I also ask for the grace to be patient so I can hear something from him. It was so beautiful how he answered my prayers on Wednesday. He opened my eyes and showed me something in the Bible. Something we pass almost everyday. It was a revelation!!! I was joyful, I danced and claimed it through the spirit. I also shared it with some spirit inclined Hivers and they shared in the joy.

I believe the Bible is the blue print. Especially in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes where wisdom is dropped like water. Omoh...fear God.

OH. MY GOSH @olawalium




Wow. God is amazing. His ways are mysterious. He works everything for our good. God is always intentional. I am excited.

Very very excited my dear!

Yaaaaaaay. 😍😍😍

Is this a hiden selfvoting ( on comments!)?
Or just another circle-jerk?
Looks awfull in any case.


I absolutely agree with this. He is God all by Himself.

God is just amazing. He knows how He work His things. He is perfect and there is no unrighteousness in Him. I am super excited to read this. It goes to confirm that God is real and true. I'm glad you received light and got what you needed. That's enough to encourage you and to keep going. The Bible is loaded.

Very loaded. No cunny!

Absolutely, cutie.

I smell a trap. Send Advance🙄

🤣🤣🤣😂😂 I need proof that you will always fight anyone that wants to call you baby. I should be the only one.

wayo. I knew i sensed a trap 😒

Is this a higen selfvoting ( on comments!)?
Or just another circle-jerk?
Looks awfull in any case.

my Ola

it is no accident that right as I finished a very important DM... I was closing my phone and this post was there.

I think I need to talk with you.. soon

I think something wonderful is coming for Nigeria.

I'm smiling right now and nervous and scared... because I have bee praying and right as I woke today, I think God gave me a seed

in between waking and sleeping...is the dreem world. hehehe

and this seed came from the dreem.

Wonderful that dreem and seed have double ee's

Now....I will pray and wait to talk to you more hehehe

I love you dearly

Yaaaaay. This is amazing and God is wonderful. I can't wait to talk to you, mama. This is good news and I also have a wonderful good news to share with you. Something is coming for me this month and I want to share the good news with you already. I can't wait...

Happy new month, mama. I love you without apology.

Ahhh! Now my amebo nose has risen o. This love is beginning to chook me o. I am forever the last born, 🙄.

😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣 we love you regardless. Don't worry, as my baby, I will still share the good news with you.

🙄🙄You better

😂😂🤣😂 we don't have a choice. You are adorable.

I'm still nursing my goosbumps...🤣

Hahahaha. You are not alone.

Bible principles are life's principles indeed that is why we have to follow them up to the very last word.

The Bible is already written with God's words but some of us just read out the words without abiding by them or we take the ones that we need and leave the rest.

We all indeed want things to work out immediately we manifest them in our lives and when it doesn't happen our faith in Him wanders. But we have all forgotten that God is not man, He has reasons for all that happens to us, and all we need is to believe and have faith in Him and do all He had said just like Noah did.

God is not man. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows it all. He sees it all. It's so important to trust Him. We trust the Google map because it was programmed to lead us right. Imagine the God of the universe... He can never lead us wrong. He has our best intentions at heart.

He is all knowest and he sees what we can't see in a million years..and He does have our best intentions in heart. Thanks for the beautiful words you spread around Mr.Square, much love😘😘😘

I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for that, Bal. I enjoyed your contribution.

As I did enjoy reading through😀😀.


Is this a hiden selfvoting ( on comments!)?
Or just another circle-jerk?
Looks awfull in any case.

I got a bunch from him too- BIG ones. I don't know who he is - but with that big of a wallet - I know it's not Ola. hehhe

But i think he was just on a rampage on comments!!! LOL I got like two $3 upvotes on comments that I made from him!

and then I got 2 $8 upvotes on some comments I made from another whale!

I was wondering what was going on lately??? All of the sudden whales are making massive upvotes on comments??? LOL

It did feel nice though! :) Because all of those comments I made were long and heartfelt! hehehe

hope you're having a nice day @onealfa! I'm actually here pulling out a clue for our treasure hunt and saw you mention the comment thing LOL

bye!! :)

No way I would believe this is a random votes, i.e. by coincidence.
The patern is so clear.
33.53% of all votes from @mustard went to olawalium.
And he is by far his most consistent upvoter.
Other acounts (gingerup, pricessbusayo, etc) indicates probably this is a circle-jerk upvoting group. Clear Hive abuse

oh I didn't say random. lol

I said i didn't think it was self votes. haha.

But... I don't know maybe they're friends? Why is it abuse to vote for friends? or maybe a spouse or something?

my husband and son upvote every single one of my posts.lol how is that a circle jerk?

Is that a latest development on Hive that you're not allowed to upvote friends or family or it's considered abuse? I mean...I vote for other people, and my husband and son vote for others too, but I'm POSITIVE that most of their votes go to me. They don't post to hive, they only invest in hive and support me, but if they did post? I would 100% be upvoting their content too.

Is this part of the new hard fork or something? please let me know where I can find more info on it?

His life is a great delight and worthy of emulation. Everything we need to know about life can be seen in the Bible. Most people don't know because they don't look. Whatever answer we need we can find in the Bible.

The Bible is there to guide and guard us. We have everything we need in the Word. We need to study to show ourselves approved just as the Bible said.

Many people don't study and this is the problem. The more we study, the more we know. The more we know the more we are better for it.

Is this a hiden selfvoting ( on comments!)?
Or just another circle-jerk?
Looks awfull in any case.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Thank you so much for this wonderful support.

I like how you work out the lessons one can learn from the bible without being eagerly missionary.
Even those of other faiths may learn from these texts. Thank you for that.

Thank you so much. I am excited to read this. It means a lot..

What's great about Noah is that he kept his faith for those 120 years and never faltered in his belief. I can picture the people around him laughing and ignoring his warnings as he built the Ark. On the day that the rains fell, the laughing stopped and each side was locked into their destiny, with Noah and his family being saved.

Absolutely. I can imagine the laughter, the taunting, the finger pointing but God gave him double for his trouble.

Let me see if I learned something.... Yes I did .
With your detailed explanation, Noah has taught me to stand out and be different, instead of joining the crowd. I have learned that I have to plan instead just mindlessly following the wind. Again, I need to learn to be patient. Thanks for sharing

This delights me. Thank you so much for highlighting the lessons. Very true, in the journey of faith, patience is vital. Really happy to have you here.

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Thank you 🤗🤗🤗

Hey @olawalium, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Thank you so much

Prepare fully for what God has in store for us. Then follow him diligently, faithfully, and continue to exercise patience. Sounds perfect, really 💗 I loved this Olawale ... oh...and your title? Cracked me up 😂


Yaaaaay. Thank you so much. 🤗🤗🤗

@olawalium! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I am really grateful for this. Thank you so much.

😂😂🤣🤣😂 I wanted to make the title catchy and I am glad I achieved that. Thank you so much 🤗🤗🤗. You are a blessing to me. I always love hearing from you.

We are to prepare and follow God diligently.

I have always enjoyed your posts since read.cash hehe when I stumbled across your poetry... before I even found my way to Hive 💗

Yaaaaaay. My month is made already. Please don't hold me, I want to dance. Yaaaaaaaay. Thank you so much. This is humbling and I feel super encouraged. 😍😍😍🍾🍸

Actually, it may have been on publishox, now I think of it... hehe... I seem to recall using one of my votes each day on your posts whenever I found one... and commenting.... If you look back you'll see hehe... have a wonderful weekend Olawale 💗

😭😭😭😭 your support means a lot to me. You always have that big and large heart. I won't take it for granted. God bless you even more.

@olawalium, this comment has been manually curated with LUV

Thank you so much.

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Thank you both.

This was a clever use of the title I was unsure about it when I first read it, but as you explained it I instantly got it haha

Interesting post, I dropped in from Dreemport! Have a great day!


😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣 the title is tricky and I knew a lot of people might wonder, that's why I quickly explained it. Thank you so much for this.


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@killerwot(8/10) tipped @olawalium (x1)

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Thank you so much.

I never thought of Noah as a Prepper but you are right, he was the ultimate Prepper! Great reflections! Thanks!


hahahaha ultimate prepper indeed! LOL


I know, right? I was reading this great post from @olawalium and I couldn't shake that phrase from my head! 🤣


Ultimate prepper 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

Thank you so much.

😊 You're welcome very much!


Noah 's Life is really a Life in which should be emulated by All 🙏
Reading from @dreemport

Thank you so much dear. Glad to have you here.

Welcome 🤗


