
@ddschteinn! I miss them both!

Wasn't he the best storyteller? And the sneakers! I do miss him and for some reason, she disappeared first and then later him.

I was hoping that nobody was sick. :(

Oh, he was such a special soul, I loved his posts and the way he spun a yarn. I hope they are both well also...

Yes. Indeed. Have you tried reaching out to them?

I haven't, I don't really know which direction to go to attempt that. Maybe I will try the Peakd chat feature or something?!

I don't think there was peakd when dd left. It was busy. HH has been gone for years. She still has the vote going though. I feel like something happened, otherwise why no answers? :(

I went to his old post a couple of times and he peeked in, but, that was long ago and he hasn't been back after that. I hate to see good people disappear, especially if they could use some moral support.

Anyway... I am droning on. ❤️

You aren't droning, you are speaking my language! I hate it when people like dd and h-h disappear too, especially if it's due to something less than awesome. I mean, I get that sometimes people move on, but they were such a wonderful, active part of the community.

At the very least I hope they know we are thinking of them😊

Ah yes ... I miss them too.