
Thank you! Well, then you will just have to make it the long way and use the small individual pie tins. I bought mine years ago and I love them, even with a family. This way, I may each pie with the person in mind, adding more peas or carrots or meat, potatoes, whatever that person is fond of.

Anyway, it works for me, I thought perhaps it might work for you, and then you would have a night of no cooking, or several. :)

Oh yes!!!
Well ,oh well...
Then I shall order a couple.

Then make a half dozen or so and throw them in the freezer for quick meals!

I found these!

Metal? They look perfect!

No, is made from glazed porcelain material ... they are perfect,
and comes in four colors: this, red and blue and combo-

I do like the porcelain as the heat is evenly distributed in them. Good luck! I am sure they will be delicious!