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RE: Thoughtful Daily Post - If Not You...Who?

Someone needs to take responsibility, if not you who - when it happens to be your life.
Your mom led by example, taking responsibility for the children she brought into the world.
If only we could use this question in all situations how much we can achieve in our lives.
Thought provoking.

 3 years ago  

What a wonderful reply! You are correct; so many wars, fights, and even simple conversations that turn into misunderstandings could be resolved just by stopping... taking a breath. Looking inward and realizing... "What were we even arguing for?".

Your mom led by example, taking responsibility for the children she brought into the world.

Very kind of you to say this. I was an only child, so it was just me, which I know made things just a little easier for my Mom. I really had a wonderful childhood. Would I go back and change a few things? Sure! But then that would erase the present, and really... I don't see a reason to! Thank you for taking the time to stop by, and leave such a wonderful comment!