Are you USED or Are you VALUED?

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

If a thing or subject has great value to you, you subconsciously have a favorable bias towards it. The significance of such will create an impact on you, wherein your decisions and character are beginning to be influenced by it. Importance, from its very essence, is a certain degree of value you associate with something or someone that has great use for you for the time being or that you consider a great part of you as a person. However, the concept of importance associated with anyone may be given for different reasons and is weighed differently as well.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

Given that men have different focus and interests in life, they also have different levels of importance for certain things. Factors may also vary as to why they are given importance. For some, they are only given importance because they are still perceived as beneficial to the giver, but for others, they are given importance not because of what they can provide or give back but because their presence itself is enough to be considered such. With the difference in human perception from his senses and the cognitive difference they have, the birth of hierarchy will always be inevitable. Choices, opportunities, and usage will encourage men to consider things important to them.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

This occurrence of situations that are aided by biases is very common since you are living in this imperfect world. More so, imperfection and unfairness from human judgment will always be applicable to everyone. Human choices and judgment are also being driven by his accepted values and learnings throughout his upbringing, and it can be because of his individualistic nature. Thus, importance can be backed up by these characteristics that make it a subjective matter. However, there are also universal factors that are majority or mostly favored by human beings. Such as health, time, youth, etc.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

As humans grow and mature through their course of life, their priorities differ over time. What may be important to him for the past 5 years may not be important during his sixth year, and the other way around as well. Even if man has different rational grounds as to why he considers something important to him, the end goal for deeming it so must not be change but for the greater good. However, we should not confuse what is good with personal gain. A certain good must not harm or endanger the wellbeing of another, and it should not be focused on your own but be beneficial for both parties. A good that is pulled by personal gain is quite dangerous for the reason that one is only absorbed by what he can acquire, regardless of the consequences and ways of achieving it. In the end, the word importance is an equivocal term that has been used for good and bad through the course of human existence. It can be beneficial and ego-feeding, and it can be devastating in such instances. One must give time and ponder what is important and necessary to be considered one for him.


Thus, importance can be backed up by these characteristics that make it a subjective matter.

This I agree with, I like that you state that although there are certain things that makes something or someone important at a particular point in time, at the end of the day it's still a subjective matter.

True, it is really important to take them into consideration in order to control expectations. Thank you for sharing your thought 😊

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