Gutless Thinking

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

Having no choice but to be born with the gift of rationality, one has the capability and capacity to think of a hundred, a thousand, or even a million thoughts in just a couple of seconds. The freedom that no man can remove is the ability to think. It may be conceived from a single happening or a huge catastrophe, but man cannot help himself but think of a thought as to why it has happened and how should he react to that ordeal he is brought with. It does not matter how shallow that thought may be or even how deep it is because, for man, it is just the flow from his river of consciousness, of being alive.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

From the thoughts he has brought upon himself, man has then subconsciously created a multiple of phantasms on how he would convey them into life – to bring them into reality. That such illusions of possible endings and consequences that act he is about to make may bring. Man will be flooded with circumstances that may come his way, it may be farfetched or close to what would happen. Even taking into consideration that no one may be able to predict its end man can potentially be ready for the outcome.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

After carefully deliberating what can go wrong or what to do best with the situation he is in, a man then runs through it again to close any loopholes that he has missed the first time it has reached his cognitive area. He then formulates them very well so that when the time comes, he is ready to express and be understood with his point of view. This is also crucial for him to do so as not to cause any collateral damage if things go south along the way.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

Yet, as man has reached its pinnacle of making the planned decision, he is then faced with another obstacle. If he is doing the right thing or not. If what he is about to do is necessary or not. Man is then battled with innate emotions after being tormented by his cognition. For man is born and governed not by his cognition alone but also is driven and enveloped with emotion. As much as a man would want to be careful with his words, he will also be submitted with his emotions of fear and anxiousness with what he is about to spew.

Photo owned by the writer [@the.hyacinth]

In the end, even after a hurdle of thinking and debating on what to express, man chooses to be silent and be the receiver of what is about to be thrown at him. Not even a single word was spoken. Not even the slightest sound was heard. It seems that all the deliberation and confusion was all for nothing. All man has ever wanted is to be heard but during that time he chose to keep it all with him. That it is best to remain composed and ignored rather than be in the spotlight of criticism. His last thought is that “it is better not to be heard, rather be misunderstood”.



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Wes & Grindan

The last sentence resonates a lot of my life's recent struggles. I learned that shutting people out of my life when necessary is better than making small talks that are born just for the sake of spewing words and melting awkwardness. I'd rather stay in my nook and have my much deserved peace than be out there for the world to unruly scrutinize.

Tumpak! Kapoy explain patty sa mga tawo na bias na daan hahaha

Yes! I rather choose to be silent, stay away and far from those who will never understand me. Because criticism is an unending tool which many see and use to bring us down.

True, it would be best to preserve our inner peace rather than be stressed out proving ourselves to individuals who don't really contribute to our well-being. 😁

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Thinking with an amalgamation of cognition and emotion always brings some positive results. Great thoughts and beautiful shots. Keep sharing 😁

That is absolutely true. However, one cannot guarantee a balanced condition for both since there are times that we put more weight on the other subconsciously. 😊