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RE: Emptying out the House

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago (edited)


I often find myself, especially around this time of year longing for the casual comfort of family and extended family. My siblings, as some of you are, separated by miles, states, and immediate family needs. I find myself embracing them and wishing for more time with them.

Some of my fondest memories of my Mom are both of us standings in a Hallmark store... reading cards. Laughing out loud... sometimes quiet. Other times smiling, and yes, sometimes crying.

She lives in Indiana, and hasn't visited since her brother passed in 2017. A lot because of her Multiple Sclerosis, and some because of finances and the virus.

My rambling is because your post struck a memory nerve... in a good way. I was raised by women. With love, manners, respect... you know, all those ancient and forgotten things 😆

But tradition... that was in there too, and I wanted you to know how wonderful I thought this post was. So... thank you!


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Thank you and I hope you know that this means a lot to me. I appreciate your words and your thoughts... and your love.