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RE: Thoughtful Daily Post - If Not You...Who?

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago

Oh yes... my cousin was an MP in the Army, before becoming a Police Officer. But my UNcle was raised with that Golden Rule... and I will admit, all of those who are in Law Enforcement, do an outstanding job. Not liked by the "status-quo", but they don't care. You have been down that dark road... I have been down that dark road... Thank heavens we can meet in the middle, with a common ground, and positive energy paving the way...


I hope you dont mind... I was drinking my morning coffee. I edited the above comment. I might end up deleting even. It is so negative but its my story you know. My whole life story causes suffering unto others. Pretty sucky. But things could be worse and after coming back to Hive the realization that I did make some good choices and that I am part of a revolutionary community/technology worldwide that is much bigger than my pity party is reassuring.

So at is cool to let go and be apart of a global community and a revolutionary technology that could maybe position us all for a strong foothold in the world tomorrow. Allowing for future generations the ability to live a life with less suffering.