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RE: The Journey through Life

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago


Outstanding... Such a cute baby! Do tell who this is!

"Experiences have made us who we are and we stick to the role that best fulfills us."

Better to experience both good, as well as bad... yes? How else will we know the difference?

"Standing from where I am and looking back, it's been filled with its twist and turns."

You aren't alone there... I remember when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, back in 2016. It was both terrifying, but relieving. At least I knew... but there's no preparation for this disease.

We must focus on the positive... never forget those twists and turns... they make us who we are. Another great #thoughtfuldailypost... keep them coming!


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We must focus on the positive... never forget those twists and turns... they make us who we are.

I agree with you...the gold passes through fire to become shinning,what makes us great is the ability to overcome whatever obstacles and challenges that we might be facing....