U.S. Military Must Call For New Elections

in HISTORY3 years ago

There are three things military generals need to know as globalists take over the world.

This is my follow-up to and from that last post.

Don't conflate the rich military leaders with the soldiers. Generally speaking, the biggest problems has mostly stem from the choices of the leaders.

Many of the soldiers have been somewhat patriotic in the sense that they want to help America as a whole and they tend to believe and feel they're doing the right thing.

But soldiers follow the orders of their leaders, generals, captains, etc. The soldiers are often the pawns. Sadly, there may have been too many rich leaders who have made bad choices.

So, if my letter here isn't clear enough, I should rewrite it to say that it is the military leaders who must decide whether or not they want to do the right thing or not.

Specifically, if the tone of my last post [my open letter to the military] sounded or still sounds like I'm implying that military must come in and conflict violence and fight the government, the senators, etc. No. I'm not trying to say that but it doesn't matter what I'm saying at the same time.

Like I said already, it is mostly up to the military leaders and not to the soldiers themselves, not that the soldiers couldn't try to do something similar to how some of the Nazi soldiers tried to kill Hitler kind of thing.

We are in a life or death situation, billions of people are likely to die from Covid Vaccines and/or many things.

We must have transparent elections or die trying.

Military should simply call for a new election and facilitate that. They can make sure the United Nations and others do not interfere with the counting process which should be done on paper, with one ID, one ballot, per eligible voter in person, it should be recorded on a blockchain, archived and published on the Internet in live time as each vote is counted, it should be backed up, each voter should go public, no private votes, we should have the ability to have complete transparency as if we are all naked, we should all be able to see in live time that each vote is real and that each ballot is only counted one time.

I want to see security cameras of the voting places go live on YouTube and different websites so we can all see that no ballots are shredded, lost, thrown away, not counted, counted multiple times through the machines, hidden, misplaced, thrown in a fire, thrown in the trash, cut up, taken to other places, etc, etc.

If we do that, then we can simply stand by whatever the results would be, a clear winner be it Trump, Biden, Kanye West, or your mom, it does not matter who wins in the sense that we want to know who got the most votes.

The military should not blow up cities with dirty bombs like Obama and others desire to do. The military doesn't have to or should not aggressively go around draining the swamp with guns shooting people who work with China.

The military should realize that globalism will eat them alive if they don't save America while they still can.


You need to get a better photographer. Your photo is scaring the children.

Children should be scared and then grow up to confront the evil.

Now you're learning.