I invest my Hive rewards in solidarity

in Alientolast month (edited)

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Desde que empecé a interactuar en #Hive, uno de mis objetivos era que todo el HBD generado por esta cuenta se usara con la finalidad de llevar alimentos a las personas. Actualmente, la cuenta @emotak tiene siete meses de creada, a pesar la baja entrada de recompensas, logre reunir aproximadamente 6 HBD, una cantidad muy pequeña, sin embargo, fue suficiente para completar el gasto de alimentos de la primera actividad del proyecto INICIATIVA CRISTIANA Dios es mi Refugio.
Aunque parece pequeño para mí es un logro, espero que en los próximos meses este proyecto alcance mayor financiamiento.
Tengo en mis planes muchas actividades solidarias y sigo adelante trabajando por cumplirlas, para todo necesita capital, hasta ahora mi familia es mi apoyo más cercano a este proyecto.

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Invertir HBD para ayudar a personas es una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado, aunque ahora son pequeños fragmentos se que debo tener estrategias para el futuro de mi proyecto solidario.
Esta primera actividad comunitaria se llevo a cabo en medio de muchos contratiempos,mi equipo se enfermo ese dia asi que todo el trabajo fue de para dos personas.
El platillo principal fue una rica Arepa rellena con jugo de mango y pumalaca, estamos en plena temporada de estas ricas frutas asi que no me hizo falta comprarlas porque mi suegra me regalo las frutas para el jugo. Para esta actividad el estimado en gastos fue 30$.

Since I started interacting in #Hive, one of my goals was that all the HBD generated by this account would be used for the purpose of bringing food to people. Currently, the account @emotak has seven months of created, despite the low entry of rewards, I managed to collect approximately 6 HBD, a very small amount, however, it was enough to complete the food expense of the first activity of the project CHRISTIAN INITIATIVE God is my Refuge*. Although it seems small for me it is an achievement, I hope that in the coming months this project reaches greater funding. I have in my plans many solidarity activities and I continue working to fulfill them, for everything you need capital, so far my family is my closest support to this project.
Investing HBD to help people is one of the best decisions I have made, although now are small fragments, I know I must have strategies for the future of my solidarity project. This first community activity took place in the midst of many setbacks, my team was sick that day, so all the work was for two people. The main dish was a rich Arepa stuffed with mango juice and pumalaca, we are in full season of these rich fruits, so I did not need to buy them because my mother in law gave me the fruits for the juice. For this activity the estimated expenses were 30 $.



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El Gasto de los 30 $ solo incluye el material para preparar las arepas, sin el traslado y otros gastos de ese día. La cantidad de Arepas rellena de carne fue un total de 45, me hubiese gustado llegar a 50 o más este pequeño presupuesto alcanzo para esta actividad.
En Venezuela una excelente actividad como está para 50 personas supera los 50 $, a pesar de todo las personas agradecieron la atención y el gesto de esa tarde.
Para mi ver la sonrisa de las madres y sus hijos, escuchar su agradecimiento me hace regocijarme porque vale la pena el esfuerzo y la dedicación.
Estas son actividades muy hermosas, que se realizan con mucho amor y son muy satisfactorias cuando lo haces sin esperar nada a cambio.

The 30 $ expense only includes the material to prepare the arepas, without the transportation and other expenses of that day. The amount of Arepas filled with meat was a total of 45, I would have liked to reach 50 or more, this small budget was enough for this activity. In Venezuela an excellent activity like this for 50 people exceeds 50 $, in spite of everything the people were grateful for the attention and the gesture of that afternoon. For me to see the smile of the mothers and their children, to hear their gratitude makes me rejoice because it is worth the effort and dedication.
These are very beautiful activities, which are done with a lot of love and are very satisfying when you do it without expecting anything in return.

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Seguiré compartiendo mi experiencia con los inicios de mi proyecto Iniciativa Cristiana Dios es mi Refugio, gracias #Hive por darme la oportunidad de compartir esta labor. La próxima actividad será mejor de eso, estoy segura, gracias a la ayuda de personas de gran corazón he logrado reunir 250 piezas de ropa y juguetes de segunda mano para donarlo a las familias. La próxima actividad la dedicaré a los niños y el gasto será mayor a los 50 $, de corazón quiero hacer una linda actividad con ellos.
Los próximos HBD de la cuenta @emotak serán parte de esa actividad.

I will continue to share my experience with the beginnings of my project Christian Initiative God is my Refuge, thank you #Hive for giving me the opportunity to share this work. The next activity will be better than that, I am sure, thanks to the help of people with big hearts I have managed to collect 250 pieces of second hand clothes and toys to donate to families. The next activity will be dedicated to the children and the expense will be more than 50 $, I really want to make a nice activity with them. The next HBD of the account @emotak will be part of that activity.

This week I designed a new image for the Initiative and new people have shown interest in helping with the project, that motivates me to keep going.


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Translator DeepL
COVER AND BANNER edited in canva
Presentations designed through Canva
Content by @emotak

Every HBD on this account will be used to help, together we can gift joy, it's time to help.

💙 Blessings to you all Hive friends!💙

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Keep up your work for the community. I would be happy, if you take a look as well on the @hive.helps project. Maybe, we can help each other :-)

Thanks for your comment, I like your project, I hope to collaborate soon, it's nice to help other people.

Whenever I read the work of charity like this, it sweeten my heart. Putting smiles in the faces of others is a unique attribute of people with great minds. You are one of them obviously. I can only encourage you to continue on that path. You are on the path of making humanity greater. Kudos.


Thank you very much for your words, they are valuable to me.

You are welcome.