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RE: [ESP/ENG ] El Temor De Tener Cáncer/The Fear Of Having Cancer

in Alientolast year

Wow that was so scary and I could only imagine how you felt. :< Thankfully it was benign.

I also have a mass in my breasts. Many actually, I think the doctor found like 10 small lumps in my breasts both on left and right. I had no idea too as I thought the pain I feel during my period is just a normal-level pain when my breast swells... And I only went for a checkup cos I wanted to get birth control so that's when it was found. I had sono-mammogram done as adviced by the doctor and thankfully they're all benign so nothing to worry about. They just said it can be removed ONLY if it bothers me or makes me uncomfortable.

Sorry to hear you are in a lot of pain. :( Removing that must be expensive and also gives you a lot of stress. Did they advice you something to lessen the pain?


fortunately the pain went away little by little now it only hurts on my period. They also recommended that I only follow them once a year in case they change in size and not remove them for now.

Good to hear! Yeah even if mine are many, they don't hurt as much thankfully. Hopefully you will be better soon, physically and mentally. :D

It must be terrifying to have so many. It's good that they are benign.