ESP/ENG. 🐶Aprende a comunicarte con tu perro.🐕Learn to communicate with your dog.

in Aliento2 years ago


Hola hola mi apreciada comunidad de hive. Hoy le hablo del mejor amigo que puede tener el ser humano, es alegre,juguetón y con gran capacidad para aprender. A si son los perros. Nos acompaña a nuestro viajes, en el carro sacan la cabeza por la ventana, resultan excelente guardianes.
🤭 Aunque los perro no hablan (solo ladran y gime), es sencillo saber lo que quieren y sienten:
Si gime o se queja suavemente, es probable que este impaciente por algo. Por tomar agua, por comer o por salir para hacer sus necesidades.
🐕 Cuando un perro está inquieto por algo, lo verás aullar y alzar la cabeza como preguntando ¿ Que pasa? .
🐶Los ladridos secos indican: atención esta es mi casa, aquí no se entra.
🐕Cuando están contento, las orejas se paran, mueve la cola con rapidez y da vueltas y saltos en todas direcciones.
🐶Cuando te da manotazos a la vez que ladra insistentemente, es que quiere algo de ti.
🐕 Cuando está enojado, sus orejas se doblan hacia atrás, te mira fijamente y su pelo se eriza.
🤓 Al igual para ti, lo más importante para los perro es que los trate con cariño. Si quieres que aprenda trucos, te paciencia, espera que aprenda una cosa a para enseñarle la otra.


                  🇺🇲🇺🇸 IN ENGLISH

Hello hello my valued hive community. Today I am talking about the best friend that human beings can have, he is cheerful, playful and with a great capacity to learn. If they are the dogs. He accompanies us on our trips, in the car they stick their heads out the window, they are excellent guardians.
🤭 Although dogs do not speak (they only bark and whine), it is easy to know what they want and feel:
If he moans or whines softly, he is probably impatient for something. For drinking water, eating or going out to relieve themselves.
🐕 When a dog is restless about something, you will see him howl and raise his head as if asking what is wrong? .
🐶The dry barking indicates: attention this is my house, you can't enter here.
🐕When they are happy, their ears stand up, they wag their tail quickly, and they turn and jump in all directions.
🐶When he slaps you while he barks insistently, he wants something from you.
🐕 When he's angry, his ears flip back, he stares at you and his hair stands on end.
🤓 As for you, the most important thing for dogs is that you treat them with affection. If you want him to learn tricks, he will be patient, wait for him to learn one thing to teach him the other.