Write a wish with Faith✨ Escribe un deseo con fe.

in Catarsislast month

Me encantan esos lugares que no significan nada, pero a la vez significan mucho. Esta vez sin buscarlo nos encontramos un lugar super random pero preciosísimo con muchas notitas pegadas y guindadas de la pared de deseos de muchas personas, y dentro podíamos plasmar en un libro tu vida, literalmente.

I love those places that mean nothing, but at the same time mean everything. This time without looking for it we found a super random but beautiful place with many little notes glued and hung on the wall of wishes of many people, and inside we could literally write your life in a book.






Las instrucciones estaban escritas y eran muy sencillas, difícil era pensar el deseo preciso para guindarlo con el resto. Estuvimos tomando fotos mientras pensábamos que era lo que íbamos a plasmar en las notitas luego. Muchas personas pasaban y miraban con muchas ganas de unirse a la actividad, incluso nos preguntaban de qué trataba?

The instructions were written and very simple, it was difficult to think of the precise wish to hang with the rest. We were taking pictures while we thought about what we were going to write on the little notes later. Many people passed by and looked eager to join the activity, they even asked us what it was about?



Al finalizar nuestra laboriosa tarea de decidir el importante deseo, dejamos monedas, no teníamos la cantidad exacta pero preferimos dejar poco que no dejar nada, dijimos que luego pasábamos a dejar el resto del dinero que nos faltaba para que el deseo no se nos quedará a medias 🤣

At the end of our laborious task of deciding the important wish, we left coins, we didn't have the exact amount but we preferred to leave little than nothing, we said that we would then go on to leave the rest of the money we were missing so that the wish would not be left half done 🤣.




Somos poco creyentes de ese tipo de cosas pero me animé muchisísimo ya que 2 amigos llegaron a la Ciudad y cómo bienvenida, qué mas cool que plasmar sus anhelos de una forma muy peculiar y divertida? es también una forma indirecta de manifestar esas cosas que tanto quisieran cumplir en una nueva Ciudad y para una nueva vida.

We are little believers of this kind of things but I was very encouraged since 2 friends arrived to the City and how welcome, what more cool than to express their desires in a very peculiar and funny way? it is also an indirect way to manifest those things they would like to accomplish in a new City and for a new life.


📍Calle Escalinata, 7 BAJO. Madrid.

Pictures are my property, taken with my iphone 11
Edi with CANVA
English it's not my native language, i apologize for any mistake in this post.
I used DeepL to translate


Es algo muy bonito, me recordó un poco al puente de los candados. Me es muy lindo admirar estas actividades que se hacen, sobretodo cuando se trata de deseos. Espero que todos se cumplan. ✨