Ejemplo de vida || Example of life - By @ediyelly

in Catarsis3 years ago
Hola amigos, hoy recibí la visita de mi primo y nos sentamos a conversar con mi madre y mi cuñada, no se imaginan que felicidad escucharlo hablar sobre su experiencia con la enfermedad que tuve recientemente, y donde casi pierde la vida.

Hello friends, today I received a visit from my cousin and we sat down to talk with my mother and my sister-in-law, you can't imagine how happy I was to hear him talk about his experience with the disease I had recently, and where he almost lost his life.

Photo taken from my facebook account

Les comento, mi primo Edgardo, tiene la edad de mi hermano, 40 años, un joven profesional, muy decidido y trabajador. Siempre le gusto hacer deportes, desde hace unos años, compro su bicicleta y se iba con su cuñado a correr en maratones, de excursión a su vez comparte con su hermosa familia.

My cousin Edgardo is my brother's age, 40 years old, a young professional, very determined and hard working. He always liked to do sports, for a few years, he bought his bike and went with his brother-in-law to run in marathons, hiking in turn shares with his beautiful family.

Un día, comenzó a sentirse mal, los médicos le hacían análisis y no sabían que le estaba sucediendo, estaba perdiendo peso sin saber porque, hasta su padre lo fue a visitar y lo vio muy mal de salud. Lo estaban tratando como un Dengue, pero seguía desmejorando su condición de vida. No podía dormir, ni comer, casi no caminaba, y era tan extraño, porque siempre fue muy activo, diría que demasiado.

One day, he began to feel bad, the doctors did tests and did not know what was happening to him, he was losing weight without knowing why, even his father went to visit him and saw him in very bad health. He was being treated for dengue fever, but his condition continued to deteriorate. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he hardly walked, and it was so strange, because he was always very active, I would say too much.

El caso fue, que al llegar a la clínica, le hacen muchos análisis, y descubren que lo que tenía era el síndrome de Guillain-Barré. Todos en la familia oramos por él, porque tío solo lloraba cuando lo llamábamos, pues los médicos no daban buen pronóstico. Gracias a Dios, con cuidados, tía fue a acompañarlo, y entre todos lo apoyaron. Les digo, que no me había contado como fue ese proceso, y me sentí tan conmovida al escucharlo que simplemente quise compartirlo con ustedes.


When he arrived at the clinic, he underwent many tests and they discovered that what he had was Guillain-Barré syndrome. All of us in the family prayed for him, because uncle only cried when we called him, since the doctors did not give a good prognosis. Thank God, with care, aunt went to accompany him, and all of us supported him. I tell you, he had not told me how that process was, and I was so moved to hear it that I simply wanted to share it with you.


Edgardo, me comenta, que él tuvo tantos medicamentos que le suministraban que no tenía ni fuerzas para abrir los ojos, y que mientras estuvo con la enfermedad, recurrentemente sentía que venían personas y se lo llevaban, dice que no entendía que le pasaba, porque de repente veía a su esposa al lado, le comentó eso al médico y este le dijo que las alucinaciones también eran producto del síndrome. A raíz del Guillain-Barré, quedó padeciendo del páncreas, y ahora es diabético, dependiente de insulina. La primera vez que lo vi, después de salir de la clínica, casi no caminaba, pero desde entonces, continua con su terapia, ya hoy está caminando, maneja y se cuida mucho más.

Edgardo told me that he was given so many medications that he did not even have the strength to open his eyes, and that while he was suffering from the disease, he often felt that people were coming and taking him away, he said that he did not understand what was happening to him, because suddenly he would see his wife next to him, he told his doctor about this and he said that the hallucinations were also the result of the syndrome. As a result of Guillain-Barré, he suffered from pancreatic disease, and now he is diabetic, insulin-dependent. The first time I saw him, after leaving the clinic, he could hardly walk, but since then, he continues with his therapy, and today he is walking, driving and taking care of himself much more.

El pasar por esa situación, lo llevó a cambiar de hábitos, y hoy, aprecia más la vida, su familia y se toma cada momento para respirar y apreciar cada instante, de verdad que es un ejemplo a seguir, porque no se dio por vencido, y continuo con sus terapias y gracias a Dios ya está mucho mejor.

Going through that situation, led him to change his habits, and today, he appreciates life more, his family and takes every moment to breathe and appreciate every moment, he is truly an example to follow, because he did not give up, and continued with his therapies and thanks to God he is already much better.

Algo que yo desconocía, que los diabéticos no les eliminan por completo grasas ni azúcar, recuerdo que tenía que tener dulces cuando les daban los episodios con la diabetes y ese me impresionó, porque a mi abuelo le prohibieron dulces por su diabetes, todo depende del tipo que tengan y de otras condiciones.

Something I did not know, that diabetics do not completely eliminate fats and sugar, I remember that I had to have sweets when they had episodes with diabetes and that impressed me, because my grandfather was forbidden sweets because of his diabetes, it all depends on the type they have and other conditions.

Tenemos que tomar prevenciones si nos sentimos mal, debemos ir al médico, este nos revisará y decidirá qué tipo de medida o acción necesitamos para mejorar, no es bueno la automedicación, y tomar decisión de ir al especialista, puede ayudarnos a salvar nuestras vidas.

We have to take precautions if we feel bad, we must go to the doctor, he will check us and decide what kind of measure or action we need to improve, it is not good to self-medicate, and make the decision to go to a specialist, it can help us save our lives.