🍓 {19/05/24} ✦ A loving letter of gratitude 🦋 ❤️‍🩹 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Catarsislast month


✦ Today I reflected on how full of blessings my life is and continues to be, and although I treat my happy moments as well as my sad ones (with discretion, because treasures are not meant to be exposed) today I needed to express at least a little bit of that. This is a happy catharsis, although very contained for security reasons; lately I feel that the environment is full of a strange and hostile tension that I don't want to become a target of - Edition and Collages made in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia and @Vanuzza (thanks for the updated photo of Luna!) ✦

El día de hoy (por tercera vez en el mes) decidí cambiar de posición todos los muebles del cuarto de Costura. ¿La razón?, siento algo extraño en el ambiente, debo colocar la máquina de coser en un lugar fijo, y también por tema de iluminación.

Today (for the third time in a month) I decided to change the position of all the furniture in the sewing room. The reason? I feel something strange in the environment, I have to place the sewing machine in a fixed place, and also for lighting reasons.

Los bombillos de la lámpara de araña de este cuarto se quemaron en el último “subidón” de voltaje de la zona, y como son muy específicos (pequeños y cortitos) y no los consigo cerca de mi casa, así que por ahora solo cuento con dos fuentes de luz artificial que debo ubicar estratégicamente -la ventana es bastante decente pero eso solo soluciona el tema durante el día- una lámpara grande que tengo pendiente por restaurar (que hizo un cameo en el post de mi máquina de chapas) y una más pequeña de escritorio, aunque potente y bastante intensa.

The bulbs of the chandelier in this room burned out in the last “surge” of voltage in the area, and as they are very specific (small and short) and I do not get them near my house, so for now I only have two sources of artificial light that I must place strategically - the window is pretty decent but that only solves the issue during the day - a large lamp that I have pending to restore (which made a cameo in the post of my veneer machine) and a smaller desk lamp, although powerful and quite intense.

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✦ Looking at it up close it is a bit dirty, I should clean it today! ✦

La lámpara grande fue regalo de una vecina que “recordó que me gustaban las cosas de ese estilo”, la lámpara pequeña, fue regalo de un amigo que me escucho hablar sobre lo mucho que me gusta la luz cálida, y no la luz led… ambos objetos fueron regalos muy preciosos que aliviaron una situacion muy específica (necesitaba una luz diferente que me permitiera descansar de la fatiga visual), y llegaron a mí con una naturalidad que todavía me cuesta creer.

The big lamp was a gift from a neighbor who “remembered that I liked things of that style”, the small lamp, was a gift from a friend who heard me talking about how much I like warm light, and not led light... both objects were very precious gifts that alleviated a very specific situation (I needed a different light that would allow me to rest from visual fatigue), and they came to me with a naturalness that I still find hard to believe.

En eso, hoy caí en cuenta que nunca escribi la carta de gratitud por 2023. O no de manera física, tampoco aquí, aunque sí mentalmente y con su respectivo ritual de luces y buenos deseos a quienes hicieron ese año lo que fue.

In that, today I realized that I never wrote the letter of gratitude for 2023. Or not in a physical way, not here either, but mentally and with its respective ritual of lights and good wishes to those who made that year what it was.

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✦ I still have many beautiful memories of this event in its second edition, I should hurry to edit it, because the third edition is in a few months ✦

2023 fue un año extraordinario a 2 extremos completamente opuestos: Sorpresas y bendiciones espectaculares, y por otro lado, situaciones extrañas, temas de salud, y pérdida de objetos importantes.

2023 was an extraordinary year at 2 completely opposite extremes: Spectacular surprises and blessings, and on the other hand, strange situations, health issues, and loss of important items.

Pero lo que más brillo para mi ese año fue todo el cariño que recibí de diferentes personas, en todo lo que decidí compartir, en todo lo que necesite preguntar, siempre recibí respuestas positivas y comentarios que todavía guardo porque para mí son y siempre serán tesoros. ¿Sabes cuando recibes tanto amor que no sabes qué hacer con él, más que intentar retribuirlo lo mejor posible y aun asi sientes que jamás será suficiente?.

But what shone the brightest for me that year was all the love I received from different people, in everything I decided to share, in everything I needed to ask, I always received positive answers and comments that I still keep because for me they are and always will be treasures. You know when you receive so much love that you don't know what to do with it, but you try to give it back the best you can and you still feel that it will never be enough?.

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✦ New experiences and new people, as if it were a new season of a series, in which I am no longer the young protagonist but the sempai who appears from time to time only if the situation warrants it. And I must say that I really like this new roll, it is good to give way to a new generation and I am happy to have health and life to be able to see all the wonderful things they will build and achieve... although I hope it will be together, and not under this toxic fashion-tendency of “hyper-individualism” ✦

Solo puedo pensar en que quiero seguir estudiando, y esforzándome por aprender para poder ayudar más, para ser más útil, para ser más eficiente, y en el camino siempre recordar quien soy, por qué soy así, y por qué es importante no olvidar las cosas que son auténticamente importantes, tener esas cosas presentes todos los dias, cultivarlas y tambien cuestionarme todo el tiempo, porque siempre hay algo por mejorar y es imposible tener todas las respuestas, pero puedo poner todo mi corazón en seguir cultivando una perspectiva lo más amplia posible sobre todo lo que me rodea, sin juzgar ni etiquetar ni catalogar, especialmente las interacciones humanas.

I can only think that I want to continue studying, and striving to learn so that I can help more, to be more useful, to be more efficient, and along the way always remember who I am, why I am the way I am, and why it is important not to forget the things that are truly important, to keep those things in mind every day, to cultivate them and also to question myself all the time, because there is always something to improve and it is impossible to have all the answers, but I can put all my heart into continuing to cultivate the widest possible perspective on everything around me, without judging or labeling or categorizing, especially human interactions.

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✦ This month marked one year since the rescue of Apollo and Luna. On this almost exact date, I heard them crying in the distance in a neighboring garden of a house without inhabitants, they were dirty and painfully thin, Luna (the kitten in the photo, but today) was in the bones and had a gray diarrhea as if she had eaten sand and cement ... I did not think she would survive, but here she is, beautiful, cared for, and safe with a family that treats her like a princess. Seeing her like this fills me with happiness to the point of tears - Special thanks to her human mom @Vanuzza for this photo! ✦

2023 fue irregular, con sus partes glamorosas y sus partes de tristeza, la realización, la pérdida de fe en algunas cosas, pero todo el tiempo y aun hoy siento que siempre hubo una suave nube de amor, compañía y protección a mi alrededor para amortiguar los golpes que no veía venir. No sé qué nombre ponerle a esa nube, pero si fue acaso la manifestación de las oraciones de mis seres queridos y amigos, o la buena voluntad de otros, ojala pudiera hacerles saber que sí han afectado positivamente mi camino, y darles las gracias de alguna forma así de sutil y mágica.

2023 was bumpy, with its glamorous parts and its parts of sadness, realization, loss of faith in some things, but all the time and even today I feel that there was always a gentle cloud of love, companionship and protection around me to cushion the blows I did not see coming. I don't know what to name that cloud, but whether it was the manifestation of the prayers of my loved ones and friends, or the goodwill of others, I wish I could let them know that they have indeed positively affected my path, and thank them in some such subtle and magical way.

Cuando estuve enferma, hubo doctores, cuando estuve triste, hubo amigos, cuando algo se rompió alguien lo arreglo y cuando algo se perdió, alguien trajo algo nuevo. El mundo es abundante pero nos han querido convencer de que no lo es.

When I was sick, there were doctors, when I was sad, there were friends, when something broke someone fixed it and when something was lost, someone brought something new. The world is abundant but they have tried to convince us that it is not.

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✦ Gestures of appreciation and love come every day in different ways to my home for all my family, I thought it was normal and that everyone's life was like this, but they tell me it is not. So I am thankful for being loved as we are, for the peaceful coexistence, for the good neighbors, friends and colleagues ✦

Aprendí que insistir en idealizar es bueno, qué importa si te decepcionan, si el que creías que era tu amigo no lo era, si el que creías que te decía la verdad te mintió, qué importa el final, si aún falta más de medio mundo por conocer y ese mundo no merece tu desconfianza ni tampoco que le levantes muros. Habrá quien sí te diga la verdad, habrá el que te quiera con sinceridad, y el que te ayude sin segundas intenciones. De eso, 2023 estuvo repleto, de buenas personas con un gran corazón, y algunos a mi parecer, demasiado mágicos y seguramente prestados para sanar algo de este plano.

I learned that insisting on idealizing is good, what does it matter if you are disappointed, if the one you thought was your friend was not, if the one you thought was telling you the truth lied to you, what does the end matter, if there is still more than half a world to know and that world does not deserve your mistrust nor that you build walls for it. There will be those who tell you the truth, there will be those who love you with sincerity, and those who help you without ulterior motives. Of that, 2023 was full of good people with a big heart, and some in my opinion, **too magical and surely borrowed to heal something of this plane.

Mientras termino de limpiar el cuarto por hoy, muchas de las cosas que sostengo han sido regalos, y los amo tanto, por el recuerdo, por la anécdota, por el momento, y especialmente por las personas que me los han obsequiado, que siempre tengo presente aunque no hablemos todos los días. Las cosas que compro casi siempre son para regalo, soy minimalista, pero las cosas que me regalan, jamas estare lista para desprenderme de ellas. Las sostengo en mis manos y estoy completamente enamorada de ellas, del prendedor, de la taza para café, de los pinceles, de todo.

As I finish cleaning the room for today, many of the things I hold have been gifts, and I love them so much, for the memory, for the anecdote, for the moment, and especially for the people who have given them to me, that I always have them in mind even if we don't talk every day. The things I buy are almost always for gifts, I am a minimalist, but the things I get as a gift, I will never be ready to part with them. I hold them in my hands and I am completely in love with them, the pin, the coffee mug, the brushes, everything.

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✦ This week I bought some new plastic buckets for my everyday tools! They are very cute and as soon as I saw them I fell in love with them. I should repackage the glass or ceramic containers for the kittens, they sometimes climb on the desk and knock things over 😂 ✦

2024 por el contrario, casi llega a la mitad y yo todavía me siento en Enero. Simplemente han sucedido demasiadas cosas que me han mantenido ocupada y ahora que Dante no está, de pronto me estrello contra un reseteo de rutina al que apenas consigo adaptarme. Creo que he estado sufriendo el duelo del cuidador no profesional, en 2023 pude dedicarme a muchísimas cosas y decir que sí a muchas oportunidades, pero por ser cuidadora desde mediados de año y lo que va de este he tenido que declinar todo al 100%.

2024 on the other hand, is almost halfway through and I still feel like it's January. There have just been too many things happening that have kept me busy and now that Dante is gone, I'm suddenly crashing into a routine reset that I'm barely managing to adjust to. I think I have been suffering from non-professional caregiver's grief, in 2023 I was able to devote myself to so many things and say yes to so many opportunities, but being a caregiver since mid-year and so far this year I have had to decline everything 100%.

Nunca doy por sentado las cosas, mucho menos la estima de los demas (valiosa y tema extenso para otro momento), y ni qué decir cuando se trata de personas que admiras o te conmueven por lo preciosas que son (como ser humano, como artistas, como personas sensibles), quiero seguir trabajando y esforzándome en todo lo que hago para nunca decepcionar a nadie, y me concentrare en volver a retomar el camino que me propuse y en el que tanta ayuda y apoyo recibí el año pasado.

I never take things for granted, much less the esteem of others (valuable and extensive topic for another time), and not to mention when it comes to people you admire or move you for how precious they are (as human beings, as artists, as sensitive people), I want to continue working and striving in everything I do to never disappoint anyone, and I will focus on resuming the path I set out and in which so much help and support I received last year.

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✦ I would like to stay home for a few days and work quietly on building a new routine. Especially to get back in touch with many friends I miss and catch up with them 🫂 💖 ✦

Pero lo que va de 2024 no ha sido vacío o en vano, estoy aprendiendo a ser menos dura conmigo misma, debo aprender a recibir sin cuestionar las razones, y creo lo incluiré en mi misión de este nuevo año, y ese cambio es gracias a todas las personas que hacen de mis dias especiales solo por ser quienes son, aunque yo no pueda contestar en el momento por razones que no puedo compartir o explicar por tratarse de la vida e intimidad de terceros.

But so far in 2024 has not been empty or in vain, I am learning to be less hard on myself, I must learn to receive without questioning the reasons, and I think I will include it in my mission of this new year, and that change is thanks to all the people who make my days special just for being who they are, even if I can not answer at the time for reasons that I can not share or explain because it is the life and privacy of others.

Me siento acompañada, siempre cuidada y querida, aunque torpe para expresarme si comparamos al yo de ahora y el yo de hace 12 meses (necesito dormir mas y reponerme) y por muchas muchas razones hoy especialmente quiero agradecer a todas esas personas que han sido como ángeles para mi, incluyendo especialmente a los que me han cuidado sin decirme nada. Presiento que grandes alegrías estan por llegar para todos, pero hay que estar dispuestos conscientemente a valorar lo bueno y no obsesionarse ni dejarse influenciar por lo frívolo.

I feel accompanied, always cared for and loved, although I feel awkward to express myself if we compare the me of now and the me of 12 months ago (I need to sleep more and recover) and for many many reasons today I especially want to thank all those people who have been like angels to me, including especially those who have taken care of me without telling me anything. I sense that great joys are ahead for all of us, but we must be consciously willing to value the good and not become obsessed or be influenced by the frivolous.

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
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🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜


Que buena manera de mover las energías, todos tenemos propósitos y a veces un pequeño cambio genera o impulsa otras cosas

Muy de acuerdo Spring, cuando hay incertidumbre, al menos desde el aspecto físico mover los muebles y limpiar ayudan bastante ; u ; 🧹