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RE: Tell me you are in Vegas without telling me you are in Vegas...

in Palnetlast year (edited)

That Your Pretty Dope's pretty dope. I thought it was bad timing for a typo until I read the bottom.

You're in Vegas. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but work fuckin sucks! It's not humane. We aren't computers, the bartering system was just fine, capitalism is a disease, all that stuff.

But you're in Vegas. You've done way worse for money. Everyone has. So take everything they got on the table and laugh all the way to the bank.

This time next year, you won't have anything to show for it anyway so who cares, quit finding the bad stuff. Everyone's paying taxes already, that should be the worst of it.

That barber shop still open across the street from El Capitan in old town? They had live hip hop there after hours once a week.



You've done way worse for money

Like trying to make crypto while using a mobile... Writing comments blind is fun!


Jk I forgot you know about my truck stop days🤷‍♂️

Geez. I sound like a female dog. I swear that was supposed to be inspiring. = }