
Is that lead like front of the line or lead like what makes a pencil a pencil?


I think you might had been write with the first comment considering the water is from Georgia.

Spring water from Georgia? Probably from a well using lead piping...

Although, it is pure. Whatever that means in 2023...

Georgia's cool. Shannon Sharpe is from there. Ever been there? Savannah is gorgeous. We love Savannah actually and I don't say that about a lot of cities.

Many have their perks but more often than not, the bad outweighs the good. Savannah is the exception.

Ive been to all the states and Canadian provinces west of the rockies. But never traveled east of the rockies. Im a quintessential west coast kid.

Add Savannah to your to-do list. And I hope we're still in contact should you get that way cuz I'd like to know if you agree.

Here's your ticket pack your bag:time for jumpin' overboard.
The transportation is here.
Close enough but not too far, maybe you know where you are.
Fightin' fire with fire

Watch out, you might get what you're after. Cool babies, strange but not a stranger. I'm an oar d. nair e. guy.