
You seem to have a bot after you! I hate bots!!!!! Best of luck.


Sorry I really hate bots, they damage the platform and add no value. They should be banned.

He'll get bored, but his actions support your analysis!


@smithlabs sweecee wants me dead and you and all IW dead. i did not downvote him with a bot. he also wants all westerners dead read his posts. he is extremely mentally unwell. i pray he gets better.

I have bern threatened woth violence twice myself. I tecommended they start right away, because it would be an all day job. Besides, I am always armed, LOL! I recommend you carry too, we need as many defensive forearms out there as we can get.

As with most online threats, they were full if hot air. I'm glad you don't use bots, I hate them.

Infirmationwar is my favorite tag, and disliking it lowers the poster in my estimation!

Stay safe, and prepare; because bad things will happen soon!
