in Hive Naija8 months ago (edited)

A pix of me in High School

Good morning from this part of the world, dearies. I am so elated to be here, after several weeks of attempting to subscribe to this amazing platform. My name is LINA BUCHI but I will like to be called @angelinacobbs here on hive. I am a proud black woman from the eastern heartland of Nigeria. It is with a good heart that I decided to join this platform, many thanks to @mrenglish, @cool08 and @tozil for their unrelenting spirits of talking some senses into me to ply my trade or rather craft here.

Godisable Jacob

I come from a family of four and I am the only girl and last child. Nah! stop thinking, I am not a pampered child. life has been somewhat good to me, to say the least. My father is an insurance expert and mum is the real deal, she is a business woman with focus on clothing and jewelry. From my childhood, my brothers, the least is about eight years older than I, have been very protective of me, at some point that I needed to have some space, I had to speak out that I am no more a child that would be directed here and there. In all, I do really appreciate my brothers for expressing their love towards me.

After I graduated from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in 2019 where I studied Economics, the need to start a private life overwhelmed me. My mum was totally indifferent about the move but I persisted. A year later, I broke the jinx by creating an agency for the Girl Child with headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. The agency is supposed to be celebrating her third anniversary on the 11th of October this year but that is not meant to be as something dramatic occurred in the second year after the creation of the defunct AMAZING GIRL CHILD FOUNDATION. In the second year after creation of the NGO, we got our first major support from an international grant agency, the USAID when the group saw how much activities we have engaged in within the period of establishing AGCF. Before we cold continue the conversation with the USAID. Some bad folks hijacked our website and probably cashed out the support from the agency that wanted to support us. this led to the death of the amazing girls foundation. The dream is not dead yet as some other plans to kick off another non-governmental organization is still in the pipe.

For leisure, I love to play Scrabble game. In 2017, I represented my alma mater in a world championship in Scrabble at Asaba, in delta state, Nigeria. That was my last major involvement the game of scrabble. In that competition, I won a silver medal with some cash prizes for myself and for the school. today, I only play the game for pleasure and teach the younger generation.

Muffin Creatives

Currently, I work with a first generation bank in Lagos island. This banking job is my first major job with any organization other than for myself. Banking jobs are very tasking and time consuming but what can one do than to find his or her way around it.

My weekends are always for rest and taking care of my surroundings. As a single lady, it is paramount to care for my basic need. So, every weekend, I stock the house so that I do not get distracted within the week. most times, I return home late in the evening and fatigued too. For some weekends, I attend parties. Some for colleagues who are getting married and at other times for family or church.

I am a strong believer that Nigeria is one of the greatest countries in the world. Though, we are struggling to prove that, we are not where we used to be. And as a crawling child, there is hope that everything will come to shape with time. I love to discuss politics, the Nigerian politics. I do not follow any political party, what I do is to support a preferred candidate. As a die hard Manchester United fan, I am a football fanatic with strong love for RC7.

Let me welcome you all to my blog. I am looking forward to having new friends from all over the world. Thanks for having me here again and do enjoy the rest of the week.


I love your name @angelinacobbs 😍
You got the right people by your side for this new journey but do not hesitate to ask questions where you're not clear on.

Welcome to Hive! Enjoy all of it's opportunities and have fun while you're at it.

Welcome to Hive, @angelinacobbs. I hope you find it amazing around here. And please, do not lower your course on the matter affecting the NGO

Thanks a lot, @mrenglish for your persistence. I am here finally and I hope to make use of the opportunity, positively.
Yeah, the NGO is still in the piping, I hope to work it out soon.
Thanks, again.

Thank you, @mrenglish for your support all along.

You are welcome to hive. Just try as much as you can to stick to the rules of the platform and do not plagiarize as this will tarnish your image.

Ones again, welcome

I will, definitely.

 8 months ago (edited) 

Welcome to Hive and to Hive naija community! ❤️

You would really be of a great personality from your amazing introduction.
You are highly Welcome 🤗

Thanks dear. I appreciate your warm welcome.

You are highly Welcome

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Thank you, @hivebuzz . I hope to keep working at my blog.

You're welcome @angelinacobbs! Have a nice day 😊👍

Welcome to the hive blockchain and by extension hivenaija. I hope you find your time here memorable. I enjoy scrabble as well.

Many thanks, @nonsowrites . I look up to you all as my coach.

Welcome to the Hive community @angelinacobbs!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

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Have fun and happy Hiving!

wow! Helpful tip. I really do appreciate everything.


Hello! Welcome to Hive, @angelinacobbs. I found you thanks to @heyhaveyamet 's introduction post.
You've come to a wonderful place where you can develop any interest you can think of. The limit is up to you!
The learning curve is steep at first, but ask any questions you have, read and observe.
Here are some resources to help you get started:
Link to The Terminal Discord server, highly recommended for learning anything about Hive and @heyhaveyamet 's home.
Link to Ecency's Discord server, my favourite frontend and where you can find me most of the time.
Link to the Ecency resource library, where I'm adding practical tutorials in Spanish and some are in English, too.
Little by little you will find the places where you feel most comfortable, get in touch with other hivers and success will come.
Greetings from Spain. 🤗

Thanks for the links, they were quite helpful. I look forward to blogging from the ecency front end too.

You are very welcome and remember to ask any question you have! 😉🤗

Welcome. I hope you enjoy here.

You are a really smart woman. I’m glad you are here. I can’t wait to see you pen something 🤗

!giphy welcome



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