Banga Soup my arc nemesis

in Hive Naija2 months ago

Banga soup in Ewere

One man's food they say is another man's poison.

I bet most Deltans and anyone who has ever tasted Banga soup will call for my head as what you are about to read might be considered sacrilegious.

Banga soup is a delicacy best enjoyed in most of the West African countries, and it is made from palm nut extract.


Imagine my shock when I came across @abenad post on some of the native food Ghanaians eat and I saw Banga soup, she referred to it as palm nut soup and that they eat it with fufu, I went further to confirm if they also eat it with starch and she said no.

So, I'm guessing the starch swallow is only native to the Urhobo tribe of Nigeria and also passed as a borrowed delicacy to other tribes in Nigeria who might find it appealing.

The conversation I had with @abenad was quite intriguing for me, as I realized that indeed us Africans especially in the Western part of the continent, share common ancestry because how best do you explain our similar traits, culture and delicacies?

Did I also mention that the Banga soup Ghanians eat is also prepared with fresh fish? like how we the Urhobos prepare it? Although sometimes we prepare ours with dry fish especially the ones prepared for ceremonies. Other times we make use of other affordable and available proteins like beef, mutton, pork and snail.


Banga soup in Ewere

Just prepare fresh fish banga soup for an Urhobo man then thicken it on fire with Ewere (Native pot), if that man does not will his Soul and make you the custodian of his entire existence make I know wetin cause am.

That is how highly the Urhobos hold our local banga soup delicacy.

It will also interest you to know that even in the North, they do not joke with Banga soup, I one time attended at Urhobo wedding to an Hausa man.

You need to see how his relatives were hustling and fighting for the Banga soup, they refused to eat their own Northern delicacy prepared for them and were all struggling to get a portion of the Banga soup with starch.

I watched in amazement because for a soup I find repulsive yet people are fighting and struggling for it? Wow!

If not for peer pressure what is Banga soup or anything Banga doing in my mouth? This is a response I often give to people who go Oh! but you are Urhobo, why won't you like Banga soup? You are supposed to love it like every other Urhobo person.

Believe me I have tried to like Banga soup but I don't and I can't. Now I have accepted our toxic relationship and just eat it for survival.

Banga rice

Let me also put this out here, that I also hate banga rice but Ironically, I can prepare both delicacies well.


All images are mine and all delicacies prepared by me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This one is pure lies😂😂😂
You know you love banga soup
How can you have so many pictures of something you hate?🤣🤣
This one this one this one
I don’t believe 🤔🤣🤣

I hate you eh 😂🤣😂🤣. Na people like you dey make me pretend to like banga soup.


Wait, really 🥹

Small joke now you want to cry kai! you be really last born 😒

Everyone have that meal that they do not like. Mine is when they use white garri to do eba. I don't like it. What I do in that case is to put some palm oil in it, so that it gets to look like yellow eba.

Talking about banga soup. The taste is not bad oh. I even like it sef.

That was how my friend use to make eba back then during service because all we had in the community where we were serving was white garri.

Banga soup is not a badly taste soup o 😂... It just get tiring for me probably because of all the energy that goes into preparing it. Pounding, milling and all.

I can just imagine this how funny it will be for me having the taste

It taste really good though, I just don't like it lol.

This is the first time I'm seeing banga rice. I only know of Banga stew and the ones made with beef. I like it a lot and prefer it to tomato stew maybe because tomato stew is always available.

That banga stew gets really appealing to me till I start eating it then I don't like it again 😂.

Banga rice is super nice, you should try it 🙂

I know that feeling. Struggled with avocado 🥑 pear till I got the hang of it because it is healthy. I can't place a finger on a meal I abhor🤔 although there are loads I can do without.

I struggled with avocado too 😂 but now I love it especially with a little pepper and salt 😋

Yeah! On a slices of bread and it's a dreamy feeling 😋

I also use it for bread spread, I just add diced onion, pepper salt and mashed boiled egg.. delish 🤤

Choi! This is a full meal right here, balanced to the T.🤩 I sure would enjoy that too.

Please try it out and give me feed back. You’d love it I promise 🥰😍

Oh I sure will. Thank you so much for sharing💕

 2 months ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Thank you 😊

Oh, bangalore soup mu sweetie, hehe
I l9ve this soup like mad
I never knew it cut across to Ghana too
But I guess we Igbos have the best method of doing it 🙄🙄

You want to start a food war you can't win?

#dreemport brought me here

Once again, you are lying ooo🤣🤣

Why will dreemport be bringing you to start fight? 🤣😂🤣


I think I need to try out this banga rice.

You gonno love it 🙂