WEEKEND THREAD:My favorite movie

in Hive Naija4 months ago


I’ve been single for over 3 years now and this is my best movie😂, sounds crazy right? Yeah I know. I saw the movie “AFTER” in 2021 when I was crushing on a girl who never noticed me, bet you all have been there too. It’s a popular movie and I’m sure a number of us in this community must have seen it at some point. To be honest I read the novel before seeing the movie, it’s one of the bestsellers out there too.


On the 14th of this month, I wish I had someone to see this movie with, but hey let’s not forget it’s me the lonely single guy 😂. I caught my close friend named Daniel seeing the movie with his girlfriend and I was shocked because he always had a bad review about the movie, a typical Nigerian we just don’t like looking soft. I always wanted the love displayed on this movie excluding the toxic part of their love, but then reality hits me and I remember in Nigeria it’s not that way we have our own way of life and if you want to happy in a relationship here you’ve got live by our rules down here.
I am new to the #hivenaija community, I hope I can interact more with my fellow Nigerians here and others from other countries. I saw the weekend task and decided to participate. Thank you for reading my post and have a wonderful weekend, though the weather is really hot 🥵.

I’ll be tagging @olujay and @eliany to join this thread.




It has to be the Naija way or no way… lol

Exactly 😂😂

There are still sem excitement to movie which change our daily life

Yes of course that’s very true

I love the movie too
They always find a way to come back to each other

But then the love was toxic

It was so toxic
At some point I gave up on love
I was like if this is how love is then I won't bother falling in love
Let me just be enjoying my single life in peace