in Hive Naijalast month (edited)

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I once got this quote from the popular Korean horror drama titled 'All of us are dead' and it goes thus:

Hope is the cruelest torture that prevents you from giving up on life completely

Hope is one thing that makes you persevere and let's you believe that maybe things can actually turn out better than you think. You will keep on stalling and believing in the course and at the end of the day, it's either it works out or doesn't. Hoping doesn't entirely change the outcome of an event, it just helps you stick around more to witness the outcome; which might eventually be in your favor. Hope breeds optimism and positivity.

Difficult times are normal in a person's journey and we have all fairly had our shares of it. Life is full of ups and downs and through it all, it is important to always find a reason to move on regardless. My grandmother died when I was around 13 or 14 years of age. I loved her so much and I still do, I even find myself thinking about her a lot lately. I can even see her face right now, beaming with excitement as she comes to receive us while heading to her house.

She lived in our hometown while we live in a city about 3 hours from her. She wasn't ill at all, she still sold drinks to her customers that night and told them to bring the bottle the next morning. In the middle of the night, that was how we received the most horrible news ever that she passed away. They said she had an heart attack(or maybe it was cardiac arrest) and before they could get her to the hospital, she stopped breathing and they called my mom immediately. These people didn't know they could have tried CPR on her or something.

They could have done something! They should properly still try to compress her chest and maybe she will breathe again. I was holding on the hope that maybe they will try something and it will work. And maybe they will call us back that she was back with us again. I really hoped so much that the news wasn't true or that maybe something miracoulous will just happen. You know how some people will die and still come back to life? I was hoping that would happen to her as well.

I just could not bring myself to believe such news, I pulled myself together while I wait for a positive update. My mom and brothers were already in shock and no one even knew how to feel. I mean, this woman was totally okay! I kept hoping till I realized that she was actually gone forever. Another confirmation was when I saw her cold body in the casket the other day. That was when it finally dawned on me that my sweet, caring and amazing grandmother was gone for good. It was very painful and I cried so much. I think about all the memories and I couldn't help but crave making some more.

The truth is, it is not everytime you hope for something that it actually happens the way you had hoped. Sometimes, life just happens and that was it in this case. My hope couldn't save the tragic event from happening. However, my hope has been useful in other cases too so I guess I will keep up hoping when need be.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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I can see the kind of love you have for your grandmother to the point that you kept hoping for her to come back to life after the news of her sudden death. I can imagine such situation..it can be so devastating..wen someone suffers illness, it becomes a different thing than seeing a hearty one die like that
You should keep your hope alive in many things weda it turns out positive or not. It will surely help ur sanity
Thanks for participating

Thank you so much ma.

Exactly, it was more shocking because she was totally okay and didn't fall sick at all.

Keeping my hope alive is something I will always do, because it actually helps sometimes.

You must have really loved your grandmother. I love mine too. My maternal is still alive but my paternal grandmother died last two years. This woman, I really missed her even though we both have a little language barrier. She sings a special song anytime she saw me and dances as well.

May her soul rest in peace.

Yeah, I really loved her and I still do🥺 My paternal grandmother is still alive too. Awww, your maternal grandmother sounds like a really amazing woman.


We hope against hope too.
My paternal grandma passed in August of last year and was laid to rest in February this year. Hearing the news of her demise, I wished so many things were different.

There was not much that your hoping would have done. Life happened and that's thar.

Aww, so sorry about your loss, it is never easy to lose anyone.

Yeah, hoping wouldn't just change the outcome, it is so unfair🥺

Same thing I did when my mum passed, I hoped the whole that people would call us and tell us she just woke up, I wished that she would just walk to the door and knock then someone would run to open the door, I waited that night for something miraculous to happen, but nothing happened, it was true.

Sorry about your grandma, I know how much you must have loved her for putting on these high hopes. I wish our hopes could just change a situation like that.

Eiii, that was have been really had for you to bear. You would wish you had some powers to make things different. So sorry about your loss, I am sure she is in heaven always smiling at you and missing you as much as you miss her.

Yeah, I wish too but at the end of the day, life just happens. It is sad.

Hm! E b like u too like Korean movies
I agree with you dear, many a time we hope for things to happen in a way but they do not happen that way, in that case, what should we do?
We move on dear and pray for better times as we work hard.
Grand mother's daughter weldone o, hehe

Yeahh, we just have to move on regardless of the pain, hurt, and everything. Loosing someone is always so harddd.

Sorry about your granny, I know a little of how it feels to lose a loved one but that's life for us. Anything can happen anytime. I am so glad to know that you didn't let go of hope even when your hope was disappointed in the case of your grandma. Hope is what keeps us going, without it, I wondered what life would be like.

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Honestly, I also wonder. Truth is, a little positivity doesnt hurt at all. Thank you so much for stopping by.

The love between grandparents and grandkids can't be quantified. It reminds me of my maternal grandmother. The woman was so uniques and loving. May their souls rest in peace.


sorry for your lost, something's we hope for don't come to pass, we continue to pray for nicest things to happen.

Yeahh, we humans actually love happy endings so much. Thank you very much for your comment.

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