in Hive Naijalast month

Mother's day .png

I recalled a funny story that inspired this blog this late night. I've been trying to hold it back since this morning but I guess I'll have to put it into writing.

Let me get to it

My grandfather was an herbalist before his demise and he intended passing on the baton to my father (he rejected eventually). So he ensured he started teaching my dad little tricks to save him from common trouble. He fortified my dad to an extent that neighbors could leave their children in care of my dad then whenever they have outings. These are parents who dreaded their children going for parties late night.

Moreover, my dad recalled one of the tricks his father taught him.
Grandpa taught my dad how he could make someone's anger diffuse into thin air by using a piece of a broken block. What you'd do is recite a particular incantatoion on the piece of block and smash it on the floor. The idea is as the piece of block broke into pieces, that is how the anger of the angered will be eased.

Fortunately for my dad, he got an opportunity to use this trick and guess who he experimented it on; it was no other than his own father. He offended his father and he was promised punishment. According to my dad, his father never forgot a pending punishment. He knew he had to do something to rescue the situation. He didn't think otherwise he used the trick he was taught and it worked. He said grandpa saw him afterwars and only said, you this boy 😂 😂 and that was all. He said If it were to be a deadly trick, that was how he would have hurt or killed his own father.

Simply, whatever we don't want our children to experiment, we don't practice before them. They see us. Whatever we say, they'll say.

From my few years of teaching as well, I've seen the impact of what the children see their parents do. When parents come to school whether by invitation or freewill, they display what their children portray in school and the teachers will be like no wonder

A Philosopher once said the mind of a child is like raw clay(Plato). This implies that children's mind are impressionable, they are molded by the experiences from their surroundings.

Whether we have children of our own or we have only have them around us, our words and attitudes should be guided. Children pick word from the word of adults around them, they act what they see adults do.


Children who watch the PJmasks anime tend to jump from the chair onto the table, climb things and tie scarfs or any other things around their heads or arms to indicate their superpowers.

You can't hide from children, they see you.

Your contributions in the comments will also be appreciated.

Happy mother's day to all mothers, your children will make you proud.

*Thumbnail was designed with Canva


Someone has finally said it all, most times children act base on what they've seen or heard...
Some times parents lie on phone calls and their children are also learning how to tell lies, through their parents.

You're absolutely correct @omachi213
Thanks for reading through