Hope at My Darkest Moment

in Hive Naija13 days ago

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Recall a moment of hope during a difficult time. Describe what happened.

When it comes to moments of having hope during a difficult time, I think I have a lot of stories to give and as a mark of being grateful to God for bringing me this far I decided to write about my moment of hope.

In the year 2010 when my dad died, in fact on the fateful day the news of his death was officially announced to us as a family, I was traumatized and devastated. I wept for the loss of my father and my friend, I wept because he was the only one who gave me courage, encouraged me, and gave me hope of a better life and attaining whatever height I wished for because he was my cheerleader and I wept because I saw my life, my visions, my dreams, my goals get shattered because of his death and as such, I took me months to accept the truth that my father was indeed gone.

I wept because I had fear, that I would never be going to school anymore because we all knew my mom alone couldn't send us to school even if she wanted to, she doesn't have the strength to push us further like our dad would have because her husband did basically everything while she took care of the home front end and enjoyed whatever her husband provided.

So, after his news, like I had predicted, my brothers and I couldn't go to school for a few months, worst of all we were all enrolled in an expensive private school, and because my mom was a housewife who depended only on her husband's income and as such,
she was clueless about what to do to help us.

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I remember one day, I sat down to weep because I wanted to go to school but couldn't go to school anymore because my mom couldn't help, nobody could help us, I was afraid of never seeing the four corners of school again. I was afraid of never attaining all the dreams I shared with my dad and how at every moment, he promised to push me to any extent, I wanted and I felt with his absence, it was never going to be possible because my cheerleader and encouraged and hype man was dead.

In summary, I lost hope of ever reaching for my dreams, I lost hope of ever going to school because I had nobody so, I buried my dreams and lowered my expectations. Was ready to take what life threw at me as long as it was not death or life-threatening sickness.

Gladly after a few months of not going to school or seeing any hope, my distant uncle whom we've not heard anything about for years now, called my mom and said he would like to send me to school, the good thing was that I was already in Senior Secondary School One when my dad died, so I had just two classes to be done with.

So, I had to travel down to where he lived with his family, and there I was enrolled into a Government school, that was my first time attending a Government school, I remember weeping when we came back from enrolling me because I was told that when resuming, I would need to cut off my very long hair but I had to because that was the only moment I had hope to continue my education.

This is my entry to Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 47

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This experience did not only touch my heart but reminded me to keep working hard for my children because I don't know what tommorw holds should incase I wake u tomorrow and can't find my husband, God forbid but it's wise to have a good source of income. I wouldn't blame your mom atall, most men don't want their wives doing anything once they are earning well. Personally, that was the life my husband wanted for me but even as a stay at home mum, I am still hustling online and making savings and investments ...which has helped him dearly when he lost his job..he didn't see that coming
Don't worry, whatever God has destined you to be, you will be it..keep working hard and remain hopeful

Hmm, this is quite touching but thanks to that uncle of yours, you were able to complete your secondary education.

That was a miracle, your uncle showing up after years of not hearing from his side and then decided to help you out. That was timely.

losing a love one can be really frustrating. Sad i know exactly how it feels its painful am glad ur uncle came through

 12 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Very alarming, the lost of a love can b frustrating, being strong really does pays

This is indeed hope at your darkest moment. God did came through for you in a way you least expected and I am so happy for you

God in heaven saw your tears and knowing your desires, he sent your uncle as a help agent. To show that God rules in the affairs of men on the earth, thank God.