From Tough Moments To Hope

in Hive Naijalast month

It was sometime around July 2022, on a very good Thursday as it appeared. We were all home including my Mom, she hardly goes to her shop on Thursday, although on that particular Thursday she said she wasn't even feeling too strong to go out. My Mom has been dealing with some health issues which are accompanied by her aging numbers, ones which she would keep managing till whenever. It was only right she rested that day and took care of herself, which she did. She seemed better during the day after she took some of her medicine, I mean I could remember her doing some gardening that evening. We thought everything was back to being stable after all until night came.

I had just finished making dinner, everyone ate and retired to bed. It was already past 10pm, I was lying in the sitting room when I started hearing my Dad calling my Mom. Honestly at first, I thought it was nothing, my parents are one that would randomly wake up in the middle of the night and start chatting. It was when the tone of my Dad's voice changed to panic that I knew something was up. I rushed to their room to meet my Mom passed out and foaming from the mouth, her teeth all clenched and stiff. I have never been so shocked in my life, my Dad as well, the poor man was holding his wife and he didn't even know what to do.

I raised alarm waking my Brother who has already slept off, unaware of what was going on, including my younger sister. We all gathered looking for what could be possibly done to revive her and nothing worked. During the course of it my brother rushed out to see if he could get a means of transporting her to the nearest hospital, while the rest of us managed to get her dressed. Minutes later and my Brother still hasn't found any means of getting her to the hospital. Due to the bad roads and power outage, it is almost impossible to see motorbike or whatever at that time. While we were still running around on the major road, our neighbor's daughter came home from her night shift with a bikeman, who said he has closed for the day after dropping her off. We barely explained what was going on and he understood the urgency of the situation and agreed to help us.

My brother went with the bikeman to admit my mom while the rest of us had to walk to the hospital in the dark of the night. She was already admitted and stabilized by the time we reached. The nurses let us in and said she was sleeping, there was nothing to worry about. My brother and myself prepared to spend the night with her while my Dad went back home with my sister. My eyes were so heavy but I couldn't sleep. The mosquitoes were brutal with the bites and there was still no electricity. My mom became restless in the middle of the night, she kept saying things that didn't make any sense, she couldn't even recognize us or understand what was going on.

I rushed off to call the nurses while my Brother stayed with her. The nurses came and administered some injection and she became calm and slept off. The next morning, visitors were already coming but my mom was showing any signs of getting better. She didn't want to eat anything and was still restless. She's lying down, 2 seconds later she wants to stand, she'll stand 2 seconds later she wants to sit and she still doesn't know what was happening or who was around her. The Doctor kept saying she'll be fine. In the evening, we decided to move her to another hospital since there wasn't any significant improvement. We cleared the bills and got on the move again.

Every thing was different at the new hospital, from the way the nurses acted promptly to the emergency to every other thing that happened after. I was still with her there, she managed to start eating and after 5 days she was able to regain her consciousness. She asked what happened to her and asked about everyone's welfare. Her health improved so much after a week and she wanted to go home, she was even worried about who will go and open her shop for her. It was funny and unbelievable when she asked that, she didn't even know exactly the degree of what happened to her. Visitors kept neighbor's in their numbers, friends, relatives, neighbors to stay with us and give us some support and encouragement. The nurses were always eager to help us out in any way, they'll always pop in one after the other during the day and ask how we're doing.

Two weeks later we decided to go back home, she was required to rest a lot so I started going to the shop for her as she requested. She stayed for 2 months at home before we allowed her to start going out to her shop, she was bored out her mind and kept complaining how much she wanted to go out, but we had to make sure she was just fine. Everything soon bounced back to normal.

Not too long after, we got an unexpected visit, I was home alone that day. A man visited, I didn't know whom he was so he explained that he was the bikeman that helped us that night. Turns out he found our house by asking around from people in the neighborhood. He came to ask how the woman he carried to the hospital that night was doing. I was so happy and touched by that unexpected gesture, I would never have imagined. I went on and on thanking him, because he did something so kind that night that we won't forget in a hurry. We spoke for a while and I took his number, he promised to come back on a Sunday and see my Mom in person, which he did. It was later on that My Brother told us that he even refused the money he gave him as his fare on that night.

That moment was the one time I experienced such a crisis and also experienced a lot of kindness from people both within the family and from total strangers and it made me have a renewed hope on humanity, on hoping for the best and on persevering in tough moments.

Images are mine

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We need more people like that bike man in this world.