What I'll Never Do When Raising My kids

in Hive Naija3 months ago (edited)

What I'll Never Do When Raising My kids

Photo by Emma Bauso

Parenting is a very critical thing, its so serious that it determines how the life of a child will be when he or she is grows

Parenting can either make or mar a child, this is why some people go extra lengths to create a balance between being soft and hard just to ensure that they groom their children well.

As a parent one has the power to make a child anything, every single action you take will speak on the life of the child. It is said, "train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it." This is why I consider it wrong when parents overlook certain mistakes children make. Now that the child is young, it is the best time else, it may be too late.

Raising someone to become something in life is not an easy task at all. Parents deserve to be given a special award, they can be just anything, teachers, doctors, lawyers, name it all, a parent can serve all those roles while raising a child.

Though some parents are bad, neglecting the place of their responsibilities, which causes serious damage to the life of their children.

Some of the things you see children display is what they see their parents display at home. If you see a parent who is able to imbibe good morals into his child, please respect the person, it's not an easy thing.

I am not yet a parent, but I can say I know a little about parenting because I see how my parents and siblings who are married deal with their children.

If there is anything there I will never do in parenting my children, then it's depriving my children my time and attention. I have seen how most parents, especially fathers, deal with their kids and I feel so bad about it.

Personally, I didn't have my father's time and attention while I was growing, so I grew up to become the kind of person I felt was right. I am the eldest male in my home and among many ladies who were far older than I am, I felt so isolated while growing up because I had no one to play with or express my feelings to.

My father was just being the boss every Dad is, he never had quality time to spend with me as his son. My mom on the other hand was a very busy woman, she goes to the market early and comes back late.

Whenever I have problems or anything that needs clarity I don't usually have anyone to talk to. I was just left alone. I felt so lonely till I got used to it. I started doing things on my own and learned how to keep secrets

To date, I find it difficult to open up to anyone, I still don't find it easy to discuss anything with anyone, I just do my things without relating it to anyone. I am still a loner and love my space, and I don't feel loved around people no matter the effort they are making.

My parents were good people, they trained all of us very well, but in the aspect of getting quality time to spend with us, like to play and ask us questions about what we are facing as kids, they never did.

I believe that every parent should be their child's best friend. It will make things very easy for the child. In this evil world, a person who is a friend to his child can save that kid from going astray. You will understand your kids better and know how to handle them well when they are your friends rather than subjects.

As a parent is not enough to provide basic needs and discipline alone, your children also need your attention and time. Don't think it's just your spouse that needs those things, your kids do as well and if you fail to do so, you might be giving the devil a chance to come into the child's life.

Well, we are all humans, we can't be 100% accurate, no matter how good one is as a parent, there might still be a place where they will be lacking. Since learning never ends, as parents you will always see your loopholes along the way, just keep adjusting, keep learning from your mistakes and you will be the best.

Thanks For Reading


Parenting is never easy and I agree with you that parents needs to spend quality time with their children. No matter how busy they are, they should try creating time out of their busy schedule because it goes a long way in the life of the child(ren).


Exactly, it's not good to deny your kids your time as a parent, it has a very bad side effect

You make excellent points about the critical importance of parenting and the profound impact it has on a child's development and wellbeing. I appreciate you sharing your personal experiences growing up without much quality time and attention from your parents. Feeling isolated, lacking someone to open up to, and becoming accustomed to being alone from a young age are challenges no child should have to face.

They say experience is the best teacher, I have had a first hand experience, and I am not willing to let any of my kids go through the same thing. Thanks for reading

Just as creating quality time for your spouse is important to keep a relationship going, so also it is more crucial with parents and children. Children need more time to talk and express themselves and if parents aren't available for that, they either go out where they are being influenced negatively or become a loner just like you where they will always keep secrets and never disclose it because of how they have grown with it.

You raised a very beautiful point. It's important that we give our children the needed attention.

Popped in from #dreemport

That attention something is very important sir. Thanks for hopping in🥰