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RE: Navigating Hive: A Newbie's Guide to a Sublime Experience

in Hive Naija5 months ago

True story: There's a text editor called Sublime Text. I use it to help me write my posts. I thought you were going to talk about it from the word "Sublime" in your title.

I agree with you that ideally we should "be intentional about our interests". That's how an organic site with organic content and views is supposed to work. Hive still needs to get way more people onboard. Without enough people, this doesn't work well.

 5 months ago  

I thought you were going to talk about it from the word "Sublime" in your title.

This cracked me up. 😅
I know Sublime and I used it for a while until I switched to VScode and Obsidian. I use Obsidian for writing offline.

We do need more people on Hive, actually. The more people we have around, the more effective it is to make things "organic."

Interesting. I'll check out Obsidian.